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Editing prices

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:08 pm
by hellyes

I can access my content dashboard, yet I can no longer modify the prices that I have set earlier. What sort of witchery is this????manyquestionmarks

What kind of an obscure criteria - of which I have received zero information whatsoever - am I to meet to be able to edit my prices again??????allthequestionmarksintheworld

On another note, I notice that I can no longer delete articles that have produced sales. How can I delete articles that have produced sales? If I decide to delete my account, will the account record remain in the system? Can I manually delete my entire account at all if I choose to, or am I prevented from doing this?

Phooleez reply.

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:10 pm
by Lysis
>> allthequestionmarksintheworld

lol indeed. I don't know if the price change block is on purpose, but it's been that way for a while. Not a fan. Can you change fullrights? I know with usage you can't, which really kills the idea of use for me. I think use articles lose value the each time they are downloaded.

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:28 am
by hellyes

thank you for your input, and for appreciating my covert attempts at humor. Did not think it will be so obvious. You are a kind soul! The info you shared indeed sets my current related knowledge into perspective, and I remain curious to see what an official site representative will have to say regarding the matter.

Out of professionell - LOOK who just lost a level! - curiosity and to further clarify the issue at hand, may I ask how YOU go about adjusting prices if and when you feel a need to? Thank you for your reply, please continue if you have the mood/time or both.

I of course remain open and eager to read all and every suggestions, notions, comments about the recent (?) changes to the pricing system that I am unaware of. Am I to assume that an author needs to file in an appeal to set a new price for a given article?

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:01 am
by Courtney
Hellyes (like that name by the way)

I just changed my prices the other day with no problem. I just hit edit to the right side of the article title and change the price, then hit submit.

I'm surprised it's not working for you.

Sorry I don't know anything about deleting articles or accounts as I've never tried that part.

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:30 am
by Lysis
Was it fullrights or usage though?

To the OP, I don't change my prices anymore because I avoid usage now. I believe you can still change fullrights but not usage.

I believe from lurking this forum for a while that some customers were getting a bit angry that they would buy use and then writers would immediately drop the price. I tend to side with the writer on this one, because hey, if you're a customer and want to chance use, then I should be able to drop my price.

It's probably just tacky to do it right away. One writer wrote about the issue a while ago (think like years). I'm wondering if the complaints were too many and CC changed it.

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:12 am
by hellyes
Glad you like my spare nick, Lysis! I like yours, too! Has a pathos to it. Is it a physical condition or a state of consciousness? Sorry sorry!

My original nick is "GyZ", but, that nick got lost here a couple of years ago, and not even the site representatives who had server access, could do anything to recover my original forum login information. So you are talking to an impostor miming itself to be "hellyes", but who really is "GyZ", but anyone could claim this, thereby the relative discrepancy with which I have tried to combat in 1742 with the help of local site wizards, but to no avail.

Thanks for doing that check-up on your ability to edit your prices, nice to know that YOU can do it no problem. I still CAN'T, and, to answer your other question, I can't any longer set license types for my own articles, either. These are articles that have been sold numerous times, we are talking about a dozen. Reason I'm here, is that a mysterious person purchased one of my articles for a sum that I think is ridiculously high, and would prefer to set it lower to prevent further Karma damage for all parties involved.


I'm assuming there is some time-out function in the background of which authors and users are unaware, a function which automatically prevents you from doing certain - maybe ALL types of - edits in case you did not log in to this site for a set period of time. According to my suspicion - which I will attempt to logically support in a min - if you did not log in for "X" time, then the site assumes you are deader than death, so you might be expected to COURT YOUR WAY BACK to the living AND to your elementary Constant Content author privileges. :D Human design.

This is a pessimistic interpretation, I know, but an optimist would have left a note: "Oh Hai Sunshaine, unfortunately we assumed you are dead. To prove you are not, have a go at this amazing megaluscious captcha!!, Lover, and edit away!!11eleven."

Since I did not log in to this site for years, - was busy making money on content sites - I STILL have no access to setting the price of my circulating Constant Content articles, and this is the same with the license types, basically, I have no access whatsoever.

It is staggering that 1. an author's "privilege" to set her/his own prices is revoked without a notification, and the fact that a warning is not issued when such a case is bound to happen, is equally unacceptable, in my opinion. Oh and 2. that her/his question remains unanswered by site reps for days and days, despite posting it in the corresponding thread. "Have questions? Post them here!", the forum suggests. I'm posting them here. It is hUppening. Where are the official replies? If it weren't for Lysis, I'd be free to assume that I'm on a Total Recall egotrip. An ego is a beautiful thing TO LOSE!

Anyhoo - is it the "normal" practice on the site recently that relevant user questions like these - these things could happen to anyone, not just to me, mind us, I'm just the person to which the sub-optimum precedent is occurring, could be you - remain unanswered by site representatives for days and days? What is going on here?

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:30 am
by Abbamay
Hi hellyes,

I'm sorry about your trouble. Have you emailed CC directly instead of using the forum? I find that it's the best (or only) way to get a response, as it's usually only other writers who respond on the forum.

This is an interesting thread though. May I please ask where you come from? I'm a Kiwi and I can't pick your writing style - very cool. :)

Good luck.

Abba May

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:44 am
by hellyes
Abba May, thank you for the excellent pointer. I had no idea that the forum, as you say, is hardly monitored by site reps. I'm from Hungary. We have elections tomorrow, please think of us! Nice to cybermeet a Kiwi. I know some things of New Zealand. Ray Sefo, Matt Hunt, Kiwi (as in the fruit, even).

Thank you for your feedback, let's see if the thread will prove to be able to generate a response from officials, nevertheless! ;D I mean, there comes a number in visits that impertinently stimulates the event horizon of an official reaction. (Or so I IMAGINE.)

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:52 am
by hellyes
And there is another thing why I think email - in a very significant way - is a less efficient method to resolve this absurd issue with. If I send them an email and state my case, they might treat me no prob, but the precedent itself is not publicly unveiled, and can benefit no other person who might suffer from the same precedent at a later date. As such, this forum thread definitely is the more correct way to handle this, as each and every user/author can read CC's official response, provided we'll ever see one. :D

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:56 am
by Abbamay
Hungary! Told you you were cool.

Good luck with the elections.

Abba May

Re: Editing prices

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:57 am
by hellyes
Cool? What are the uncool countries? :D