How many articles do you write a day / week?

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How many articles do you write a day / week?

Post by PaulMaplesden »

Hi all,

I'm just curious to know how many articles writers are posting to Constant Content over the average day / week / month and how you keep motivated? I decided to dedicate myself to CC full-time in June and managed to write and upload about 60 articles. I stay motivated by doing quite a bit of data analysis to find out what's selling and projecting my future income.

How about you folks? Any numbers, tips or tricks to share?

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Re: How many articles do you write a day / week?

Post by ReneeF »

I decided to make CC my full time job in July for one year in. My goal is 5 articles per day. This is proving quite difficult while my preteen step sons are out on summer break and my husband is working from home due to an office remodel at work. We are confined to a 750 sqft apartment ugh. Never the less, I can still be hopeful right?

Before I was married with kids I'd work 20 to 30 hours per sitting and do 25 or more articles per day. The quality wasnt that great but at a penny or less per word, I had to to make ends meet.

When I am doing blogging (articles 450 to 1,000 words long) I can make record time of about 12 to 20 articles per day, written, edited, and posted with pictures. But thats my clients blog and she is pretty easy going and provides me with research, a schedule, and a weekly/daily article theme. So I can get her a months worth of content in less than a week, including formatting, coding, and using pic-monkey, etc.

When the kids are in school I can edit a 5-set and then research and write a 5 set and edit that too. I edit 3 times and proof twice after that.. and if I do it quickly enough I can manage at least 2 to 5 blog posts or a couple of hours of marketing or blog design. (and still keep a clean house, cook meals from scratch, grow a garden, and play mmorg's.. LOL)

Still trying to figure out the perfect balance of CC and blog articles per day/week to get it all under control.

I'd love tips.. pretty please

I'd also love to figure out how to get more traffic to CC to help us all sell more content.
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Re: How many articles do you write a day / week?

Post by ReneeF »

My tips:

1. Write in sets, its better if these sets have a theme. sets of two, three, four, or five work. I do sets of five because each sheet of binder paper holds 26 lines, thats 25 article titles plus an extra line for totals.
2. Keep records. google spreadsheets work well, but i fidn I am mroe motivated by the act of writing in a binder, plus the binder is mobile for my ideas on the go, I'm always writing article title ideas down and have an organized binder for each client or website I work with. along with all important information like formatting rules, articles types, etc.

3. Write in sets nad series. here is my schedule and why:
1 - second edit yesterdays set, write and first edit todays set, research tomorrows set, third edit set from 2 days ago, Proof set form 3 days ago and analyze for keywords, motivators, and action words, second proof and post previous set.

I research the day before i write to sleep on it. I often find I can write articles in my sleep and have them ready to go the next day if I read the research the day before I write. even if I know the subject well, its like a signal to my brain that this needs to be worked out and worked on. articles I dont do this for turn out not so good and dont sell well.

I proof edit three times, the day I write, the next day, the day after that, then I proof twice for typos and punctuation, word whiskers, and flow.

I use a word analyzer to pick out most commonly used words. even though I go into the article with keywords in mind, the actual ones I use can change over the course of the project.

I write in sets so the research is similar and this enables me to write more.

I proof twice after submission to catch typos, formatting issues, or anything I might have missed the first 5 times.

I spend sometimes a week waiting to see if CC accepts or rejects it.. and the whole time I'm panicking I ma not good enough and they will throw me out, and I try to shake it off by working on the next sets...

I have a cheat sheet for editing and titles though I spilled coffee on the title cheat sheet this morning, so I need to rewrite it.

I dont edit my forum comments.

I obsess about my articles that are not approved, or have not sold. I used to go in every day and lower prices, hopign to hook a sale. now I have a set pric. each article takes me 2 hours total time, not counting when I am thinking about them during sleep or research (fun reading time). If it takes me more than that, I tack on an extra $10 or $20 to the price, but if it doesn't, I figure 2 hours is a good $50 minus 35% or $32 of my time ($16 an hour, almost as much as my computer tech hubby makes).
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Re: How many articles do you write a day / week?

Post by Lysis »

I'm trying to do 5/day and it only takes me maybe 30-45 minutes to write a topic, so you'd think I could do it but I get burnt too easily and distracted. I try to vary it by finding other work. When I'm working in corporate, I usually try to do 1-2/day on average, but sometimes I don't feel like it.

Got distracted and made an android app for the last few days and waiting for that to get published.

I watch the views sometimes. I had one article that got over 700 views before it sold. :D Another had over 500 views. :D

I'd like to do about 100 per month, but I'm not sure I have it in me. Focus is not my strong suit. :D
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Re: How many articles do you write a day / week?

Post by evaku »

I always try to set daily/weekly goals but I find it nearly impossible to keep because of the way that work comes and goes. If it's a quiet time and I am only writing for the catalog, then I try to do 12-15 a week. However, I may have intense bursts of short deadlines where I do 14 articles in 2 days, so I allow myself to take it easy for a few days after. I've given up detailed planning and just decided to write what I can, when I can! I have some family visiting now so it has been hectic and I can't keep up, so I plan to make up for it by working in overdrive once things clear up :)
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Re: How many articles do you write a day / week?

Post by tayalltheway »

I've been writing for CC as my full-time job for the last year now, and make myself do 5 articles a day, Mon-Fri. My wife works an office job, so I keep my hours as 9-5 to match up with her. With each article averaging 1 hr to 1.25 hrs, I typically do two articles before lunch and three after lunch, though I take decently long breaks after articles #2 and #4 to recharge my brain.
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