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Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:28 am
by Jenfurlink
I am brand new at this online freelance writer gig. I need to start building a portfolio, read start by writing for free but can't find any non-profits to write for? Should I just start submitting articles to CC? Where can I find a list of where CC publishes articles?

Re: Newbie

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:10 am
by typicallytracey

I'm also a new writer - I've been freelancing for about 2 years now. I've only submitted one article to this site, but I write for several other sites.

Do you have a blog? I would suggest a blog/website if you don't already have one to start building a portfolio and to get some experience. CC offers a list of articles/topics that are selling, which is a great resource to help you decide what to write about.

Are you selling your work elsewhere? There are tons of places to sell your work online, so I would recommend getting out there and picking up as many writing jobs as possible - even local print publications (I write for my local newspaper).

CC doesn't publish content - they sell it to anyone who wants to buy. This site is designed to be an agent of sorts - they advertise your work, offer a platform for selling it and bring writers & buyers together.

The best advice I got when I started writing was this: Just write - as much as you can. There are many, many places to write online - some that pay and some that don't. Getting paid is great, but whether you get paid or not, you should be writing every day. In the two years that I've been writing full time, there are some months that I've made enough to support my family and months that I haven't. It takes time to build a freelance writing career, so be patient - and again, write, write, write. :) And have fun! It's absolutely amazing to get to write for a living!!