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Writer's Pool/Big Orders Issue

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:47 am
by Kaytee

After a long absence from the site I responded to the email sent out by CC asking for help fulfilling the oursranding orders. I have written for the large Standing Request orders before but not used the Writer's Pool system.

I can see the projects under the My Projects tab and can claim articles but I can't access any information about them. (I don't mean the G/O digital downloads.) If I click the project title I am redirected to a blank Requested Content page, with no Writer's Pool projects showing up and nothing showing as claimed either. If I click the 'view details' lik next to the projects on the My Projects page nothing happens.

Also, when I go to submit an article and select Writer's Pool Requests, it says there are no public pool requests.

I don't know if it's something I'm doing wrong or if I don't have approproate access to write for the projects I have been added to. I've emailed support but haven't heard back so thought I'd see if anyone here has any idea how to fix things.

Re: Writer's Pool/Big Orders Issue

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:16 am
by skristoff
I am in the same boat.....I can't see any details for any of the articles in the pool. I can claim articles, but when I mouse over the Details link, there is no active link to click on (i.e. it's just text formatted to look like a hyperlink, but doesn't link to anything). I'd love to help out with this batch of articles, but I can't see any details. I did send an email to support, but I haven't heard anything yet. I came here to see if any solution had been posted.

Re: Writer's Pool/Big Orders Issue

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:45 pm
by jak
I have been told that I have to go to My Projects and select the project (top right) where I will see an option to view shared files with details and information for each article requested. But each time I click on the project, no shared files come up. It's now after 9.30 pm here and the deadline for submissions is less than three hours away. I'm giving up and getting some rest after wasting hours on this.

Re: Writer's Pool/Big Orders Issue

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:53 pm
by jak
Just found the shared files have come up in my other tab. I guess you just have to have patience. Now is it worth carrying on working to see if I can make sense of any of them? I'll just take a look.

Re: Writer's Pool/Big Orders Issue

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:33 pm
by skristoff
I can see the shared files, but they only have resources for a few of the titles, looks like they stopped after A and B. I was looking at titles that started with J, so I am out of luck.