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Problems Resubmitting after Rejection

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:31 pm
by CrystalRay
I have been trying to resubmit my latest article after it was rejected and corrected. I made the necessary edits, and although I think that I'm doing everything correctly, the status does not change from rejected to resubmitted. I've never had this problem. First I save the changes, and then I resubmit the article. I can't imagine what I'm doing wrong. Would someone please look into it and tell me what the problem is? I've even resubmitted the entire file, but it's still listed as rejected. I posted my request for help here last night, but I cannot find it now. I had major neck surgery, and maybe I'm just not thinking clearly. Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Problems Resubmitting after Rejection

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:09 am
by escturtle
I have been having the exact same problem! This happenned to me once last month, and in the end I had to delete my article and then resubmit it as a new article- with the requested revisions. That was the only way I could get the system to accept the revised article!

I wrote Customer Support last time, and they responded that I must be doing something wrong...?

I haven't had that experience again until this evening, and now the same thing is happenning. Prob is that this time I will miss a deadline if I simply delete and resubmit as a new article.

CrystalRay- did you ever figure this out?
Anyone else out there able to offer some help?

Re: Problems Resubmitting after Rejection

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:15 pm
by Lysis
ah, the ol' unique price defaulting circle of death. :D

Check to make sure that you've unchecked the "Unique" check box or list a price greater than zero. It won't let you submit otherwise. Also, make sure you click "Save" under the content FIRST and THEN click resubmit.

But, for this particular issue, it's probably that you have "Unique" pricing check and it defaults to 0. If you don't want to offer unique, uncheck this box. That's the default and it's kinda frustrating.

Re: Problems Resubmitting after Rejection

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:54 pm
by escturtle
Lysis- you are amazing, and 100% correct. Everytime I pressed SAVE CHANGES, the Unique Price reset to 0

you'd think the CC platform would return the page with that field highlighted, or something like that, to indicate why resubmission keeps failing!

(thanks so much for reaching out to help! Customer Support wasn't able to identify the problem...)

Re: Problems Resubmitting after Rejection

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:27 am
by Lysis
It actually does tell you at the top when you save the content, but it's in bold and blends in with the other content. This is one of those instances where it's hard to identify the usability issue without testing it on real users first. Not every company can afford to do that though.

Even if it was just red or something like that, it would stand out. :)

But yes, I've made this mistake several times and now I know what to look for. I agree that it's frustrating. Glad I could help.