I could use some expert perspective:
My original registration, editing test, and writing sample went in almost three weeks ago. I was surprised, and a little concerned, not to receive a confirmation email (ie: "your submission is in the queue and we will review it as soon as possible.") But I blew it off and simply checked my email--compulsively--for several days instead

Last Tuesday, I sent an email through the site "contact us" function. I told them I understood that sifting through author applications took time and had to be a lower priority than client editing, etc. I told them I simply wanted to confirm my application had been received (since there wasn't any confirmation email, and I knew having built more than a few of them how fickle webforms could be. No response.
I spent the first 10 days or so really excited to write for CC; close-reading the submission guidelines, trawling these boards for advice, editing and re-editing a couple dozen articles so I could start off with a bang.
I am a skilled writer, and have had a lucrative freelance career off and on for the past decade. I like the idea of working with exacting editors who will push my work. I like the flexibility of disintermediated platforms like CC. And I like that you successful CC authors seem to enjoy the best of both worlds--having colleagues without having a "job"

But a complete lack of response--even automated response--for weeks on end seems either inept or disrespectful (and either one feels pretty crummy.) And it seems, from reading these boards, that this kind of communication deficit is not uncommon. I realize this forum is where people come when they have problems, which is why I want to ask you:
Is it worth it? Now...in the Summer of 2016...with Eric gone...is Constant Content working for you? Should I ride out the bumps of getting accepted as an author and getting my first submissions approved? Is there a 'groove' to get in still? Or has my little article on "charity blogging" gone to bit heaven without ever being read? And should I just move on?
Thanks for your thoughts.
(Incidentally, the prompt was fascinating--really seemed like it just picked two of the areas I indicated expertise in at random and put them together)