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What's this? Short Stories on CC?!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 1:40 pm
by Words4Bread
Hi folks,

I was just cruising the categories in search of inspiration when I stumbled upon the Creative Writing section. I expected it to be populated with "how to" articles on various aspects of the craft. Turns out it's full of short stories. Fiction on Constant Content? And some of them don't appear to have been proofread. What gives? How did they get there? Can anyone cast any light on the mystery?

Thanks. :) :shock:

Re: What's this? Short Stories on CC?!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 2:09 pm
by HiredGun
Words4Bread wrote:Hi folks,

I was just cruising the categories in search of inspiration when I stumbled upon the Creative Writing section. I expected it to be populated with "how to" articles on various aspects of the craft. Turns out it's full of short stories. Fiction on Constant Content? And some of them don't appear to have been proofread. What gives? How did they get there? Can anyone cast any light on the mystery?

Thanks. :) :shock:
Likely old content from a land long ago...poetry and first person content hiding in the deep, dark corners of the content catalog. :lol:

Re: What's this? Short Stories on CC?!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:13 am
by Words4Bread
Ah, I see.

There have been former incarnations of Constant Content and no-one has cleared away the detritus of the bygone era. From what I've seen, then, I'd say CC has evolved positively since those days!


Re: What's this? Short Stories on CC?!

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 2:26 pm
by Lysis
I think cc started in 2006, and it was allowed back then. I know it wasn't when I started in 2009.