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What constitutes a blog submission?
Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 2:41 pm
Any advice on determining whether a submission is a blog post or best suited for a particular category? I have a 665 word health article ready to submit. I haven't ever used the blog category. But I'm considering giving it a try for this article. Would appreciate any comments. Thanks
Re: What constitutes a blog submission?
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:05 am
by cmcmahon66
Late to this question, but I don't use the plain blog category at all unless there is no category more specific. For health-related topics, I use Health & Lifestyles. If it doesn't seem to fit clearly into one of the subcategories, you can just list your article under simply "Health" or "Lifestyles". If an article hasn't sold in a month to 6 weeks, I try moving it around in the applicable subcategories. For example, an article on kids and schools could go under Education, Parenting, or Children.
I spend more time on the keywords since that will make your article come up when someone does a specific search, no matter what category you have listed it under.