A Newbie Needs Help Please

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:09 pm

A Newbie Needs Help Please

Post by Piscesgirl »

I've only been registered for 6 days and I have had nothing but problems trying to get answers. I actually had to recreate this register with a different email address to get activated because the first time I registered, I never received an activation code email. THen when I would log in, it was sayingI was inactive. Anyways, I need some questions answered;
1. Is there a limitation of how many times you can be rejected with your submission before you can no longer submit any more? Someone told me 3 times total, is this correct?
2. I have loaded images which have been accepted in the submission but I don't get even an email that it was rejected or accepted. It goes to no mans land and I don't know why this is happening. I am not submitting them at the same time. I will wait till one is accepted in submission before I upload more. Every time I email "contact us" no one is responding to the problem. Today I submitted only 1 photo and again, it took it but I have not seen it any more as "viewed" which it was there this morning but no rejection or acceptance. I was able the first day to get 3 accepted but the rest went to no mans land.
I appreciate any help or suggestions. Thank you.
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hi, welcome. Sorry it's frustrating for you. It takes a little patience at first.

1. Yes, there is a three strikes rule so to speak but it's really up to the discretion of the editor. No one gets dinged for submitting quality work and getting an occasional rejection for typos or minor mistakes. However, if the rejections reflect major grammatical errors time and time again with no real improvement, then the rule might kick in.

2. Sometimes it takes several days before an article gets reviewed. Look under My Content and you should either see the article with a status of "under review" (not yet accepted) or "view" (accepted and for sale). If the article no longer appears, it has been rejected for some reason. The email should explain why. Unfortunately emails don't always get through which is why there's a rejection thread in the forum. Check your spam and junk mail folders if you suspect a rejection, if you can't find them, ask Ed in the Rejection section. He might remember (he might not too).

I'm not terribly familiar with the photo requirements so I can't help you much there.

Post by jak »

The last photo I submitted took several days to be checked before being accepted. I think articles have a priority here. If you are patient, you may soon see them accepted or receive an email to say why not.

On the article side, I believe Ed prioritises private requests first, then those obviously for public requests, and finally the others. If there are lots of submissions, it can take a while.
Posts: 62
Joined: Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:52 am

Post by melissan »

I've had articles approved within minutes of submission and others approved (or denied) within 24 hours. It all depends. As for pictures? Those tend to take several days. This is a good site for freelance writers and photographers. I have been working for a number of sites on the internet and this is the one I like the most. It is here that I am able to write about topics I enjoy and not necessarily write for SEO in order to pay the bills. The pay is better here too.