Parts of forum google-able

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Parts of forum google-able

Post by grouchy »

I can't say I'm all that enlightened about how Google gets its info, but while I was playing around today I accidentally discovered that portions of this forum's discussions are on Google, complete with names of those who use their real names here.

Is that weird or am I high?
Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

No it's available on Google. It's one of the ways my name "Elizabeth Ann West" comes up.

Aariana Adams
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Post by Aariana Adams »

Grouchy - someone on this forum - probably more than a year ago - suggested that we set up a Google alert using our names (pen or whatever). I did that and now I get an alert anytime someone Google's my name, looks at my profile here at C-C (I don't know why - or how that works) - and sometime I get an alert for the Aariana Veterinary School!

I also sometimes get alerts with my comments here. I think Google crawls the pages.

I got an alert this week for a C-C article I sold fullrights to, months ago. It was a beautiful web page - not the licensee name, and different from the site I sold it too. It's all too much to figure out. I'm assuming Google has crawled the article - and the next thing I know, I'm hearing about it.

Maybe others will tell us their experience. I like the alert - I see lots of things I've totally forgotten about.

Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Which is why I suggested the removal of that one writer's article on the boards for critique/discussion - this board is public and googlable.

I've never heard of those alerts - interesting. Kind of creepy too though. Not sure I want to know that people have been googling me! But you know I'm going to check it out!

Happy Friday :)
Aariana Adams
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Post by Aariana Adams »

It can be a great resource for a writer. You can set up an alert for anything you are interested in - let's say you are interested in all that's being said about the United Nations. Set an alert and you'll get links whenever there is "news." I'm sure you don't get every link but you do get good news sources, and many times, good blog posts.

Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

That sounds cool! Thanks for the tip.
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Post by grouchy »

I think people here who use their real names may not want to divulge personal stuff in their posts. Or maybe everyone realizes this already? It wouldn't be the first time I was slow on the uptake.
Posts: 321
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Post by grouchy »

p.s. Aariana, when I was out there playing with Google last night and came across the CC forum, I wanted to try to find more to see if this was a fluke or something, so I searched as many real names as I could remember, and yours was one I had just seen -- so don't be creeped out if you got an alert that someone had googled your name. It was just me.