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Authors' list/sales

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:02 pm
by grouchy
This may very well be a "duh" question, but I'm just not seeing the answer in my mathematically challenged noodle. Re: the lists of prolific authors and top-selling authors (can't remember how it's worded exactly) -- how can a writer have sold more articles for full rights (or for full rights and unique added together) than they've even written? What am I missing here? Probably something very obvious...


Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:29 pm
by CRDonovan
Grouchy, I can't answer that. But I want to say you've put some terrific articles up about Vienna.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:34 pm
by Elizabeth Ann West
I don't think prolific authors is the total they've ever written, but how many articles they currently have available. In some ways, you could say they are also the authors with the lowest conversion rate (number of articles sold/number of articles written).

The top selling authors is the count of who has sold the most articles. Unless they are use articles, I don't see the prestige of being a "prolific" author, i.e. 700 articles that haven't sold.

Just my humble opinion.....

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:48 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Let me use myself as an example. I have hundreds of articles sold but am not on the "prolific" list because I have a small percentage currently available waiting to be sold. So, while I'm prolific in that I regularly produce and submit articles, I don't have many articles hanging out getting counted on the prolific list. It's a misnomer I suppose because the list really means "articles available" not "total articles produced."

I'm probably more "prolific" than many on the list - but it doesn't bother me. I'd rather be on that other list. ;)

The prolific list is kind of odd. Imagine two authors, each submitting 200 articles. Author A doesn't sell more than a handful while Author B sells let's say half - or 100 articles. What happens? Author A makes the top ten prolific writers list (because he has nearly 200 available articles) while Author B doesn't get any recognition whatsoever because 100 sold articles isn't enough to make the top selling authors list.

Who's more successful? Most likely the unrecognized author, Author B (providing prices are comparable). Author A gets credit for NOT selling.... hmmn, what's wrong with that picture? So, take both lists with a grain of salt.

I'm not saying that writers on the prolific list aren't successful by any means, I'm just saying that numbers and statistics can always be skewed one way or the other. Same with the Top Sellers list. I suspect that there are several writers not on the list who have earned far more in dollars than some who are listed as top sellers based on article counts.

It's nice to get recognition for sure. I'm not certain that the "prolific" list is the way to get it though. At least not in its current form. I'd rather see Author B get kudos for his or her 100 sales over Author A's handful of sales (once again, if prices are comparable).

I bring up price to further complicate matters -- if Author A sells ten articles at $200 bucks each while Author B sells 100 articles at $10 bucks each, who's more successful? This time, Author A because $2000 in sales is more impressive than $1000. See where I'm going? It's all a bunch of numbers with a bunch of variables. Who knows who's the most successful?

It's cool to be on the lists, I don't deny that.... but I don't know that it's an exact science.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:30 am
by grouchy
Ooooooh, OK. I understand. Well, not really - seems like a waste of cyberspace to me, when CC could display much more useful marketing info. Not to diss anyone on the list - I admire you all in your own right - but not only is the basis of the list not clear (and it is certainly not intuitive!), but once a person understands it the way Elizabeth and Celeste understand it it becomes more of an uncomplimentary list, doesn't it? Given all the variables Celeste mentions, I think there should be no distinctions made among writers. The way it is is a really a false representation of CC's claimed values of quality, well-researched, error-free writing.

Anyway, thank you, Elizabeth and Celeste. I'm glad you could explain that to me. And C.R., thanks very much for your compliment! I have a much healthier respect for history than I did as a kid -- it's cool to get into it and see real people in the same situations replicated every day around the world right now. Wish my teachers could have made it come alive instead of making us just memorize dates and names.

You know what's funny about requests like this (of course you do - it happens regularly)? The requestor gives a list of topics, and writers have to gamble on the topics they choose and try to decide what very few other writers would be interested in. So I just picked some obscure battle and sure enough, writer wdadkins chooses the same topic and writes what I consider to be a kick-arse article. So then I decide on Anschluss and yep - same thing. Although I might say "shucks," I cannot get upset about "losing out" to another good writer with a good article. I do wish there was a way to communicate among ourselves to optimize everyone's chances, though. I thought three articles would be sufficient for me to get at least one sale, but now I think I should do another one today. That's OK though - it's supposed to snow. :shock: I hope I get it done before I go stark raving mad.

Thanks again, all. You're the best.

p.s. Elizabeth or Celeste or someone else smart about this stuff, please help out Haje with his photography website request! He's such an appreciative customer and we want him to hang around!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:12 am
by Celeste Stewart
I'd help the photography request if I could, but I'm buried.... two major training manuals, several brochures, a press release, product descriptions, a series of computer tutorials, and a couple more lifestyle articles are all coming due.... those are just the ones off the top of my head. Thus, my "no weekend writing" goal is temporarily on hold.

As far as the lists go, it all depends on each individual and how they see themselves. If someone is happy to have tons of articles available for sale, that's great. If someone is happy to make however many sales they have, that's great too. We really should measure ourselves against our own goals and not worry about the numbers of others. If selling one article at $100 makes you feel better than selling ten at $10, so be it. You won't make the "list" anytime soon but you're happy, right?

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:39 am
by Elizabeth Ann West
Sadly, I am also swamped like Celeste. I am working on editing an ebook on online writing for a very dear friend, and finishing up my projects I abandoned due to the court case earlier this week. My husband and I drove from SC all the way to TX, straight through minus a 3 hour nap in the Holiday Inn parking lot, because we have a custody case for my stepson. We didn't win primary care, but it was as close to a tie it could possibly be, and his mother who has in the past barred visitation arbitrarily has had a great number of restrictions placed on her, and came complete with a lecture from the judge that next time she won't keep primary care. In the end, the new agreement will do wonders to protect my stepson from his mother's um eccentricities, and hopefully make some of hte nonsense a thing of the past so he won't know about the infighting and bickering over a few extra hours (he's only 7 right now).

We returned on Wednesday night, but I am still exhausted from it all. I tell you, being a super step mom is tough!! (My stepson and I call each other "super" because we fly together. Dorky I know, but hey he is one of the few kids I know who is very positive about the idea of 'step', both for me and his step dad.)

Plus I am not really interested in photography.... and the request is a little confusing. But thanks for the compliment Grouchy, you are truly sweet, despite your self proclaimed moniker.


Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:02 pm
by grouchy
Jeez oh man - compared to you two I'm a slug. (And I really like it!)

Elizabeth, I was wondering where you were - now I get it. Congratulations on a successful effort. Not your final goal, I know, but it's about as positive as it can be without actually getting there. In time, I suspect. The little dude is lucky to have you.

OK I've stalled long enough. Back to work.

p.s. I know photography - I just don't know didley about SEO. C'mon SOMEBODY!

Tip - check out photocritic dot com

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:57 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Why not brush up on SEO? Try this link, I came on it yesterday while writing a review on a website: ... e-easy.pdf
Haven't read it it yet, so I can't vouch for it but the info you need is out there waiting to be discovered!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:28 am
by Ed
I agree. This is a useful skill to have in the web writing world. And it isn't that difficult - it's just the act of using words so that search engines can find the article.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:21 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Oh good - someone wrote it and sold it (the photography SEO article). Was it you, Grouchy? Either way, you can rest assured that the customer got his request filled.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:26 pm
by grouchy
Nope, wasn't me. Glad to see that sale though!