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Suspension query

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:20 am
by vjlenin
Hi Ed,

I recently read a post here regarding suspension of an account. The person, Mr Freeman was suspended permanently from CC due to too many rejections. This is panicking me to be honest. :) Since I occasionally get some rejections, all due to my carelessness :oops: please let me know if you count me as a possible suspension candidate? Please tell me if my articles are meeting CC standards. Any suggestions to improve (if not). How many rejections do you count before an author is expelled? Is this count of all latest continuing rejections or of all the rejections an author gets in his career?

Please clarify. Thank you.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:33 am
by Ed
Articles should not have to be rejected many times for them to pass the review process. Anyone who submits articles that have not been carefully proofread and that contain many errors, especially after an initial rejection, can be a candidate for suspension. We do consider improvements, but many people become more and more careless despite rejections.

When authors register for CC, they sign a form that says they agree to submit their best work. Our guidelines specify that articles should be submitted without errors and according to our specifications. While we know that it is very difficult to submit completely error-free articles, authors who repeatedly violate our terms or who do not follow our guidelines may be suspended.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:39 am
by vjlenin
Thank you dear Ed for your clarification. But would you mind just adding some words about my specific case here. I hope I am not in any way violating any rules; and occasional rejection I get is what I am constantly working on. I try hard to improve my proofreading and editing skills. If you say anything wrong about my writing, I would not take offense at all. I need to improve, so you can safely tell me if there is anything wrong about my writing or anything I need to improve. I will only be glad if you review and advise me on what I need to improve on. Thanks Ed.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:04 am
by grouchy
Lenin - I must butt in here. You have already proven yourself to Constant Content - your articles do get approved and they sell. What would CC gain by suspending you? If you suddenly stopped caring about doing your best, and a string of your articles was rejected, with NO EFFORT TO IMPROVE, then maybe you should be concerned.

You are no different than the rest of us. Everyone has the same concerns and wants to meet standards, with the exception of a few who think this site is like Helium or AC, with their minimal standards (not saying good writers don't submit there). Your writing is good, you seem to understand how to make your stuff acceptable, so please relax and don't keep setting yourself apart as a writer with unique issues. It's not good for your confidence, which must be strong.

Also, it shouldn't usually be a surprise when a writer is suspended. Each rejection notice carries a warning. If the writer doesn't take the warning seriously, it's his/her problem, not CC's.

I don't like to see CC treated like they are capricious and arbitrary. Please devote less time to useless worry and give them credit for trying to work with you here. I think you'd agree they're pretty darn fair. Rock on, Lenin!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:08 am
by Ed
Authors do get credit for drastic improvements. One reason that Lenin has not received more stringent rejections is that he has been known to completely rewrite articles instead of patching up the article in a hurry. The trick is not to become complacent and rely on the review process to find errors - finding errors is the responsibility of the author.

Lenin, you do need to try and sound more natural to an American or British audience, and continue to show the same diligence as you did in the beginning.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:10 am
by vjlenin
Thank grouchy. I see all your posts are highly encouraging and full of practical suggestions. Though you call yourself 'grouchy' you are a really friendly character. Since I don't see your name 'grouchy' in the author list I am wondering who you really are, mind pointing me to your author profile. Thanks a lot for boosting my confidence. Much appreciated.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:13 am
by grouchy
My alter ego is gigi. :wink:

p.s. thanks for seeing thru my forum name!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:17 am
by vjlenin
hey! it's good to see you. :)