I have been researching for a particular article. The request isn't old. The expiration date was June 30th. I just had a feeling about this article, and went to see if I could submit. The article name is not on the pull down menu for public requests.
Could it be somewhere else?
Cannot find article title on "Submission" page.
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: Cannot find article title on "Submission" page.
If it's no longer there, the customer has pobably got what he wanted and pulled it. There's nowhere else it can be.
Re: Cannot find article title on "Submission" page.
I figured as much....just couldn't believe an article sold that fast.
Thanks, Jak. I don't mean to ask such trivial questions. They are important, yet very basic. As you may have guessed, I am new.
Have a great day.
Thanks, Jak. I don't mean to ask such trivial questions. They are important, yet very basic. As you may have guessed, I am new.
Have a great day.