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Contacting a previous customer

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:29 am
by jak
Last year I wrote an article aimed at a customer who edits a print magazine in China. Unfortunately I didn't get the timing right for it to be considered. Almost a year on, it is still relevant, and I'd dearly like to remind the customer of it in good time this year. Unfortunately I have deleted messages received from this customer from my inbox, and there is now no public request so I have no way to contact him through CC. I hesitate to send him an email, which I can get from his website, because it would come from my own email address, and I have an idea this is not permissable even though I would only offer it through CC. Any suggestions?

Incidentally, in future I will keep messages from customers as sending replies is the only way to contact them later unless replying to a current request. I've not had a reason for such contact until recently, and I'm sure it will be a rare occurrence, but best to be prepared.

Re: Contacting a previous customer

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:51 am
by Ed
Yeah, contacting a CC customer directly is not permitted. But Support may have a suggestion for you. Alternatively, they may tell you this customer has moved on. I really don't know.


Re: Contacting a previous customer

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:36 am
by jak
Thanks Ed. I'll fire off a note to Support.