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Site gone wonky

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:22 pm
by JoHunley
There's something wrong. The forum looks normal when I'm logged out. When I log in, everything goes gray and compresses together, so I can't see where the forums are or what's been posted. That's why I posted this here, because it's what I could find (the forum links at the bottom are all on top of each other and unreadable).

Re: Site gone wonky

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:50 pm
by jrichards
Hmm, that's pretty strange, is this continuing to be a problem? What browser and operating system are you using?

Re: Site gone wonky

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 7:08 am
by BarryDavidson

I've seen the phenomenon you're describing before, but it's caused for a variety of reasons based on too many variables. Technobable aside, check on your end first. Clear out all your temporary internet files, cookies, the works. Then check your display settings vs. what text size setting and ratio of zoom.

Also, have you updated your Java lately? Java is one of the biggest pain in the a** programs I've ever seen. They update it, you update it, you have errors on pages for months, the websites finally catch up, and then the cycle starts all over again.

When is the last time you ran a complete system antivirus scan, and how old is your monitor? I'm actually serious here. For just about every computer problem, there are ten-plus reasons for it to be happening. Website error is about 70% down on the list of possibilities most of the time. Example:

I just replaced what I thought was a faulty power supply in my daughter's P4 system. When I opened up the case however I found that her heatsink and case fans were also burned out. Same thing was happening on my wife's dual core system - it kept shutting down randomly. Her problem, besides needing a better video adapter, was because of all the software she'd installed which was autoloading at startup. You can tell people all day long that 2GB DDR2 will only go so far, but not many will believe you.

Keep in mind that it could be none of the above, but a problem that day with the servers of your ISP. Computers are fickle beasts, and most are manufactured to fall apart right after the warranty period expires.