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New Public Requests

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 11:37 pm
by Lyndsey
I am new, so if this has been asked before, please forgive. I searched and couldn't find it, so I am barreling ahead.

In the list of New Public Requests, is there a way that the "topic" or "title requested" could be what we see on the list instead of only "New Public Request?"
e.g. Name of Requestor/// New public request///due date-exp is what we currently see. If New Public Request was changed to NPR, there would be a small space for some portion of the topic requested to show:
e.g. Name of requestor /// NPR-teenage fashion /// due date
Name of Requestor /// NPR--gladiator sandals /// due date etc.

Even a small hint triggers what the message was about. This would allow me to scan the list for which articles I could work on next without having to open each one again. An article at first glance may not be the best to work on, but later there might be a reason to work on it. My computer is slow, so opening and closing the messages in order to determine what's the best article to work on takes a long time. If I could scan them quickly, I could prioritze and spend more time writing and less opening /closing messages.

I delete article requests that I have no interest in or chance of writing about, but some, I leave because I never know when things could change and it would become good to write about it. When that is the case, finding it again can be a lengthy propositon.

If I am the only one that could benefit from being able to scan the public request messages for article topics, then disregard this request. If others could benefit, would it be a possibility when you are doing site renovations?

Thanks for the great support. I appreciate all you are doing to make a great site for us.


Re: New Public Requests

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:26 am
by jadedragon
There is a master list that shows exactly what you are asking for: ... ontent.htm
access it from the "Requested Content" tab on the left side of the screen when you are logged in. Once a request expires or is withdrawn it disappears from the list and new requests show up before the emails go out.

Re: New Public Requests

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:59 am
by Lyndsey
Thank you, jadedragon,
Don't know how I missed it the first time around. :)