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What if the customer already purchased an article?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:38 am
by Hannah047
This is directed more to Celeste, but I would appreciate anyone responding.
Just one more thing, Celeste. . I just really need to know one thing.
How would I know if an article has already been chosen? Does CC let the author know?
Do I write the customer and ask? Why spend a lot of time on a request if the customer all ready chose an article?
Thank you for your time. Hannah
p.s. I was just reading that all my life I have been spelling the word alright this way. The book and/or blog said that the correct way is
all right. Does anyone know which one is correct?

Re: What if the customer already purchased an article?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:01 am
by SJHillman
I've always been taught that "alright" is not a valid word, right up there with "irregardless". This article expands on it a little bit, but the conclusion is that "alright" may be gaining acceptance. It also covers "already" and "altogether", which are valid words. ... right.aspx

Re: What if the customer already purchased an article?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:47 am
by Celeste Stewart
Hi Hannah,
There's no reliable way to know if a customer has already purchased an article for a given request. However, public requests do have expiration dates with the default date being about a week (I think). They can choose longer dates or extend a request if they have larger requests or haven't found what they're looking for.

Many customers buy more than one articles for a given request as well. Imagine a customer that issues a twice a month newsletter. He might need several articles per newsletter. While he may be working on the current project, if he sees an extra article or two that he likes, he might pick those up for the next one...

In any case, since unpurchased articles go into the general catalog, sticking with popular topics for public requests could lead to future sales to other customers.

Re: What if the customer already purchased an article?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:22 pm
by Hannah047
Thank you for the link, SJHillman, and thank you Celeste.

Re: What if the customer already purchased an article?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:29 pm
by Hannah047
"...with the default date being about a week (I think)." Do you mean the deadline, Celeste?

I have noticed that on occasion the article is requested WAY in advance. Maybe picking that particular article close to deadline wouldn't be a good idea since it has been listed for 3 weeks or a month, for example.

Anyway, I will simply play it by ear. It's too bad, really, that if the guy/gal wants only one and chooses it, and we are not notified, that sucks. Won't complain anymore. :-(

Re: What if the customer already purchased an article?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:11 pm
by jadedragon
Many buyers purchase more articles than they request. Some wait to buy until they have multiple submissions. As long as the request is still open there is no harm submitting to it. At least there is an interested buyer, and if they don't take it, it goes up for sale in the general catalog.

Re: What if the customer already purchased an article?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:02 am
by Hannah047
I see your point jadedragon. Thanks.