For example, today is a holiday in the U.S., but Saturday was a day off and one of my articles was still approved on Saturday, to my surprise. I'd find it helpful to know just how many editors are working at a given moment and how high their workload was because I want to be sure that I don't simply inundate them with work--I want my work to be carefully and fairly edited so that it will sell to a happy customer who many become a repeat customer. A simple stoplight (red, yellow, or green) or thermometer icon showing the pile-up of work and a number box or thermometer showing the number of editors editing submissions at a particular moment would really help me decide when is the best time to submit an article. I'd be extra-motivated to submit work if the editors have more time to spend on it and aren't stressed. Plus, I'd hate to be in their shoes after a long weekend of boatloads of submissions, too.

I just think that we can help everyone have a better experience, especially customers, if we can help level the workload for the editors and turn out better-quality articles as a result. Any other thoughts?