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Is Rich Text Format (.rtf) Now Default Extension?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:03 am
by gorgygirl
I've been away from CC a few months and when I prepared a recent article for submission, I see that the first file to download is in Rich Text Format. Before, I saved all my files/articles in .doc (Word) and submitted them in Word even though I use a Mac. Now my default seems to be .rtf. So, is it okay for me to submit an article in rtf or am I having problems with my system? I don't want a rejection for a formatting error.

Re: Is Rich Text Format (.rtf) Now Default Extension?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:13 am
by Lysis
yeah, they automatically generate an RTF, because it's more universal than other file formats (I'm guessing this is the reason)

You copy/paste the text to the editor, so you don't have to upload files anymore, which is pretty freakin sweet.

Re: Is Rich Text Format (.rtf) Now Default Extension?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:49 pm
by gorgygirl
Hi Lysis,

Thanks for the information. The new system does make it easier to handle files.