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Spelling errors on Constant Content's own site?
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:41 pm
by escturtle
I find it very disturbing that there are many spelling errors or typos on the Constant Content's own web content. For example, the word "submission" is misspelled on many CC info or form pages. Today I received a public request and in the CC part of the form (NOT what the client filled out), the word "repetition" is misspelled as "repition". I have seen other examples as well...
I'm aware that this is unsolicited editing and criticism (please forgive me!), yet for the sake of promoting consistent professionalism on Constant Content - which I believe is a goal of CC, I wanted to point out these amateur flaws. I hope that such errors do not jeopardize the trust of CC customers.
Re: Spelling errors on Constant Content's own site?
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:26 pm
by Lysis
If you find that disturbing, you should get out on the internet more. It'll rock your world.
Re: Spelling errors on Constant Content's own site?
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:11 pm
by escturtle
LOL! you are so right
but on a Writers' Site, I expected more... alas, my bubble was burst, and I'll live with the disappointment

Re: Spelling errors on Constant Content's own site?
Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:00 am
by Pellucidean
I've noticed a number of errors myself. They probably aren't a huge deal, but… If I were a client browsing around a website that marketed itself on its ability to provide high quality, well written content, I think I might be put off by the number of simple mistakes on the website itself. Maybe I'm wrong though.
Re: Spelling errors on Constant Content's own site?
Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:29 am
by Lysis
Well, since Constant reads here, I'm sure it would help to point out where you found errors. Just saying "I found errors" doesn't really help. I'm sure there is an editor joke in there somewhere.

Re: Spelling errors on Constant Content's own site?
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:06 pm
by ScriptMaster
I completely agree with the OP. if I were trying to source material and came across a content site with errors on the site, i would immediately look somewhere else. It is particularly ironic when CC imposes such high editorial standards on submitted content. Why not get an editor to check out CC's own content before using it?