
Do you have any feature requests or suggestions for the Authors/Writers accounts? Post them here!

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Agree or Disagree?

Total votes: 4

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Post by toosweetkimmer »


i think if you have a paypal account it should pay when you reach 50 dollars. i understand the limit so there are not so many pay outs all the time, but it doesnt cost anything to send a paypal payment. once a month i think is a little much. maybe even twice a month would work better. i think this would attract more writers and its an incentive to write more all the time. also i think it should be required to pay for an article as soon as you purchase it so people cant buy your articles and not pay for awhile, this isnt fair to writers and its not fair to purchasers who are willing to pay when they agree to purchase it, it is the same as purchasing anything else on the internet, purchase means purchase, not wait a while. thanks
Last edited by toosweetkimmer on Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by constant-content »

First, we pay all throughout the month, many writers get paid 7+ times a month. We say first of the month in case we get behind or for the other reasons I'm about to explain.

We also have problems (recently) with fraudulent payments. These fraudulent purchases are not detected right away and can take weeks to discover.

And last... Some times we find issues with articles after the fact. Issues I would rather not get into here, but it happens and we have to issue refunds to the customer on occasion.

If we paid writers the day they sold the article we would lose money and it would invite the shady people on the internet onto our site.

The bottom line is we do this to protect the customer as much as us.
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Post by Katie-Anne »

Hi Chris,

What's the poll question - what am I being asked if I agree with?


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Post by constant-content »

toosweetkimmer created a poll. I believe its if you agree with him, but my post was explaining why we can't.
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Post by Katie-Anne »

I'm happy to wait until it mounts up to $50 - it's amazing how the little amounts add up - besides I'm sure that if I wrote and told you that my family was going to be evicted from our home unless you released the x number of dollars in my account, that you'd make an exception! :D Barring unforeseen emergencies, $50 isn't such a bad target, and it's an amount you can actually see for you effort. I get $10 and $5 amounts for various articles elsewhere and they just disolve into my paypal account. With $50 I can do something with the money.

who is nowhere near one of the top CC earners, but has still had 4 CC paydays this year.
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Post by Katie-Anne »

I'm happy to wait until it mounts up to $50 - it's amazing how the little amounts add up - besides I'm sure that if I wrote and told you that my family was going to be evicted from our home unless you released the x number of dollars in my account, that you'd make an exception! :D Barring unforeseen emergencies, $50 isn't such a bad target, and it's an amount you can actually see for you effort. I get $10 and $5 amounts for various articles elsewhere and they just disolve into my paypal account. With $50 I can do something with the money.

who is nowhere near one of the top CC earners, but has still had 4 CC paydays this year.
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Post by toosweetkimmer »

i wasn't saying that we should receive payment after every purchase, i was saying that sometimes when i sell articles they dont pay for a couple of days and i think thats unfair for other purchasers. Like if i sell an article for usage rights and he doesnt pay for it for a week, someone else could have come along and purchased it and payed for it right away for full rights or what not. i understand the 50 dollar cap, but i think once you reach it, you should be payed regardless of the date. or if that is too much maybe it should be the 1st and 15 or something like that.
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Post by constant-content »

I'm not sure I follow... When someone places an order and the order doesn't go through right away, its for one of two reasons. They paid by check and the check needs to be approved or the customer didn't finish the payment process. Other then that all orders happen right away.
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Post by toosweetkimmer »

yes i am saying sometimes when i sell an article it will take several days for it to be paid for. i dont know a lot about the payment process as i have never purchased an article, but i think they should have to pay cc when they purchase instead of being able to come several days later to pay for it. several people may have been interested in the article and want full rights but dont buy it because it has already been purchased for usage/full rights excetera. i may be wrong since i dont know a lot about the process but i feel they should have to pay cc when they purchase and not later.
Dorothy Edison
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Post by Dorothy Edison »

"They paid by check and the check needs to be approved."

That is an immediate payment. Not to be blunt, it's unlikely that, at this point in time, more than one person is looking at the article because every customer has a separate need. If they've purchased it, they got to it first anyway. You should really be happy that your articles are selling!
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Post by LJade »

I think I understand what you're talking about, you are saying that (example) someone purchases an article under the usage license but it takes several days to process the payment, which gets under your skin in the first place...then what makes you even ticked more is that while you're waiting for this payment to process, (usage is sold) and no one can purchase the full-rights license....right?

#1 The reason it takes a few days to "process" probably because the customer purchasing the usage license on your content has payed with an electronic check and it takes time to process it...even longer if the purchase is made, let's say on a Thursday because of the weekend and you may not see a completed payment until the beginning of the week but that's not C-C's fault.

(I have one of those right now but it will process)

#2 If a customer bought "usage" someone else can come along and purchase the full-rights license behind them.

(Customers do pay at purchase, there are different methods of pay accepted.)

#3 I think I understand the $50 question too. Ok, you are saying that you know your account has reached the $50 threshold but you have to wait for the payment to be processed before C-C can release a payment to you. If that's what you mean, bad news...that's kind of standard because C-C has to process it and get theirs to give you your cut.

When I first signed up, (I almost didn't) because of the once a month pay thing but C-C has gotten a payment out to my account every week and I've never had a problem at all.

I really hope that I've understood and that my response may help you out a little, hang in there because C-C is a great place.

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Post by malward »

I understand what you are saying but there is no way that any website is going to pay the way you are suggesting. First of all Chris stated, "The check has to clear." We all know what it's like to get an NSF check, so better safe than sorry.

The other thing I would like to say here, is that CC is the only website I know that pays promptly and usually once a week. That is more than fair. I've been writing online for over 6 years and sometimes have waited up to 90 days for my money. Most websites pay only once a month. Besides making payments to writers, Chris has many other things he must do, like marketing, keeping the website current etc. Give him a break. I think it's great that we get paid weekly if your payment threshold is met. :)
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Post by Katie-Anne »

Ok I get what the poster is trying to say - it probably would have been better to post this on the newbie thread as the poster posted the question on the same day they joined CC and would have been better understood there.

The poster is saying that if they sell the article on the 3rd of the month and meet their $50 threshold at that time - perhaps selling an article for $100, then they don't want to wait until the end of the month to see the money in their paypal account.

The rules say which date the money will transfer, but the actual reality is very different (which is why it would have been better on the new people thread at the top because there responders know that people don't understand how the system works). I've never yet waited until an official pay day to be paid. As Mary said, she receives payments almost weekly (GO MARY!). The rules are to cover CC for the times when stuff happens and they can't actually pay it out straight away. I think that it's paid out as soon as CC has a window to make payments and checks the system to see who needs them.

So if you have $50 in your account on the 3rd of the month, I'm sure you won't wait that long to have it transferred to your paypal.

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Post by toosweetkimmer »

thank you ljade and katie-anne, this is what i was talking about and i was not trying to be ungrateful or rude, as it appears thats how some of you took it. i understand when people are paying by check and it has to clear, i said i was unsure about the process of payment to cc by purchasers and thought that maybe some dont finish the checkout process. and maybe dorthy several people are not interested in your articles but i have had several people interested in mine and just wanted to make sure it was fair for all purchasers, because whoever pays first is the first finder, not just because you hit purchase and did not pay for several days. its just like when you go to the grocery store, if there is one jar of jelly left, who ever has the money to pay for it, gets it, not who ever finds it first. and thank you for understanding my payment comment, it wasnt, as i said, that i wanted to get paid right away, but if i reach a tresh hold the 6th, i should not have to wait until the 1st to be paid, i understand things have to go through and people are busy, and i thank you for the clarification that a lot of times its not the 1st of the month but thats its there to make sure people dont get upset if it cant happen until then. i actually have been a member for a couple of months but just recently have been an active author, i just joined the forum recently to check it out as well. thank you all who took the time to explain things and not get offended without understanding what i was saying, i appreciate everything they do here and was just looking for some clarification so that i can better understand the site and make sure things are fair for everyone.
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Post by constant-content »

I didn't take it as rude, you just didn't understand the process and it didn't help that I didn't understand the question. I'm glad its cleared up.