Feedback and more info for writers?

Do you have any feature requests or suggestions for the Authors/Writers accounts? Post them here!

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Feedback and more info for writers?

Post by thomask »

Just a couple suggestions.

What about a feedback system for the writers/buyers where we can rate the end product that we have received.

Writers can give feedback based on the request and actual percentage of paid work that was requested.

Buyers can give feedback as to how suitable the end product was, and how pleased they where with how 'useful' it was.

I realize these benchmarks could be interpreted differently by many but it might go a long way to even out the 'I want to see the entire article before I buy, vs no, You'll ripe me off so pay first concern.

Also, I noticed that in my requested content section, I am able to see the following.
This Request Was submitted by thomask@....
[thomask@....purchased 126 Articles in past on]
How about breaking that up after a certain dollar value has been surpassed or a number of articles have actually been paid for that where not 'free'. Maybe even the number of which rights and the total value put on them that has been purchased?

This will help writers market and fulfill paid work that is requested that has a better chance of 'successfully' being paid for..

These are just a couple thoughts from a CC content purchaser.

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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Post by Ed »

A rating system was discussed a few months ago in this forum and it was generally felt that this kind of thing would be more detrimental to goals for equal opportunities for all writers than it would be beneficial.

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Post by constant-content »

If this was a bidding website, where writers bid on projects it would make sense but its not. Although, we could maybe implement a feedback system in the request section. Its just we be tough to manage since you don't actually select an author (like ebay or those other sites).