Sold articles on profile page?

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Posts: 264
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:22 pm

Sold articles on profile page?

Post by 4rumid »

Would it be a good idea to include the titles of sold articles on authors' profile pages in addition to the available articles? That way, potential buyers would see what topics the author has covered even if the author has no current articles on some of those topics. So if a buyer sees an author has written several articles on a particular topic he's interested in, he'd be able to send a private request to that author for an article on that topic. Make sense?
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Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:58 am
Location: New Mexico

Re: Sold articles on profile page?

Post by Debbi »

I have been wishing for that as well. No need to display the articles (especially if they sold for full rights) but just the titles would let potential buyers have a glimpse of what the author has been successful with.