Links and Applications

Do you have any feature requests or suggestions for the Authors/Writers accounts? Post them here!

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Angie H
Posts: 107
Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:19 am
Location: Saskatchewan

Links and Applications

Post by Angie H »

Reference Links:

I'll try not to rehash my opinion on this whole thing, but I had a few thoughts and a suggestion. In instances where the article really should have some kind of links, I think it's quite pointless to have them listed at the end without the protocol. First, it's a real waste of everyone's time. If usage license clients can't remove them from the bottom of the article, it's pointless for the reader to have something that's not clickable. It also increases usability, SEO and authority to link to them in the appropriate place. (Even Google preaches this regularly.) It also means the client will have to waste time repairing the URL to follow them through to the images or additional information. A giant list at the bottom looks absolutely horrible.

Would it be possible to have a separate "note to the client" area that would allow us to send the links to those who buy the article without interfering with the content or risking a mass spam attack?

And while I'm on the subject, this whole application system seems a bit odd. For example, I've been publishing in American, Australian, Canadian and British for several years. I've also published in all four languages on the site. Rather than having to create separate samples for everything, wouldn't it be easier if writers were approved for these kinds of things as they submit and have things accepted? :How to Open the Bonnet Without Too Much Hard Labour"... approve it, check the appropriate boxes (articles, British English, etc.) and go onto the next rather than having to assess the same writer multiple times for the same thing?

Just a few thoughts I've had while getting to know the new system. Other than that, I really love the new submission system. Still the odd little thing to get used to, but I'm sure that will come in time. Much better than playing around with documents and such.
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