They say they review content etc... but when I posted an article out of curiousity, it was INSTANTLY live. No way could a human have looked at it. Even if they have some automated CopyScape process, I don't think it would go live in nanoseconds.
I think we all agree that CC is the best. But, we're preaching to the choir here on the forums. There is a lot of misinformation out there that potential customers could read and we're crazy to think that people just overlook negative information, especially on the web. I posted a blog post on my blog this morning just to test my theory. It was a positive post about Constant. Google indexed that post in less than one minute and the post is on the second page of Google for the keyword, the third page for constant-content. All I'm saying is that misinformation needs to be corrected so that potential customers are not turned off for our sakes, it can do damage and very quickly.
I've been following this thread and I really have to say that it doesn't bode well to a new person looking into this site. Constant's remarks sound rather egotistical; in the tone of "we are the best and therefore nothing else can touch us". While that may well be true it just seems a bit over the top. And those in the thread that dared to go against the grain seemed to fear they could be kicked out so they turned around and did a little a__-kissing to make up for it. Is that how it is here? Those with opposite opinions fear for their spot in the "kingdom"?
I am checking out CC because a friend recommends it highly so I do believe it may be a good place to sell my writing. However, if I have to join the "cult" of followers who are not allowed opinions of their own I'm not sure if this is the place for me.
These are just my thoughts from what I've been reading in the forum. Any opinions out there???
You've hit upon my point perfectly. Be wary lest ye fall!
It's not a cult, however, there are writers on this site that make a good living doing this and they don't want any negative press. You'll find that the top writers and sellers are also the most helpful. They have something to protect and i don't blame them. As far as being kicked off for stating an opinion. Never! The person who started this site is too smart for that.
Anyway, stick around. You'll find this to be the most professional site on the net for selling your articles and you'll also find Ed to be the most outstanding and helpful editor you'll ever meet. Is that a**kissing? Maybe, Ed holds my future sales under the "Delete" button!
Seriously, Ed is extremely fair and any article that doesn't make it through is totally my fault.
Sorry you're getting that impression. In general, you'll find a supportive environment here which is amazing considering the competitive nature of many of the other sites.
Maybe we're CC zealots for a reason. I know I am! It's a profitable place
I have no problem expressing my opinions and I don't worry about being kicked off for disagreeing either because I know that CC is also fair. We've had some heated discussions in the past and I'm sure there are plenty more in the future.
I hope you'll find that everyone here shares your love of writing and that we are a supportive group of each other and of the CC system (which is why this thread got started in the first place). Really, it's a great place to be.
Edited to add: Not worried about negative press either. I used to get all up in arms when people bashed CC on other sites but most of the time it was a waste of energy. I'd rather spend my time doing something other than defending CC to people who don't get it.
You have renewed my faith in CC being a great site by your positive answers. You could have responded angrily, but you didn't. This does seem to be a great place, although I worry about jwatkins' fear of "Ed". I'll tread lightly so I don't step on any toes. I see that articles seem to fly out of here on the Recently Sold list - so this has to be a good place to earn money.
JWatkins, I'm sure, isn't "afraid." This author just thinks I'm wrong. That's okay. I am wrong sometimes. And sometimes I make errors. But I, too, have strong opinions. I don't give information to argue . . . I just give information so that others can take it as information. Anyone is free to agree or disagree.
And no one gets "kicked off" for stating their opinion. Discussion is healthy, and the community gets stronger because of it. We're writers . . . it's our job to make points.
Ed i don't think you're wrong about anything. I honestly think you work very hard, are very fair, and I'm not afraid of being rejected by you because we don't agree. Anyway, my original post was aimed toward constant and not you. You just gave your opinion. i respect that.
Oh and if anyone wants to know how Constant works...
Ed, myself, and several others have had a spirited discussion here on the forums today. However, a request came in from a customer. I wrote an article and within minutes it was accepted and up for sale. That says alot about Ed and the way Constant works. Business is business!
Hi JessS, and welcome to the C-C forum. I think many here at C-C are very proud of this site. I do not believe we are cultish, at all - but many of us do like C-C and feel that, for this business plan, there isn't anything like C-C out there.
My opinion is: C-C is interested in good, original material. I doubt that anyone has ever been refused submission if the material was sound and original, unless that sound and original material did not meet C-C's guidelines (offensive or something) - and definitely not for a difference in opinion on the forums.
Having said that, C-C has the right not to promote a competitor and they have the right to remove a post. If you look back on the forums, however, you'll see that the threads are usually followed to a conclusion. They also have the right to voice an opinion about content, especially when their own writers bring up a competitor, and especially when they have first-hand information, as did ED in the comment today.
My comment about "the kingdom" was made in jest, but company mottos are designed to be complimentary and promote the company.
I hope you will look around C-C further. I think you'll be impressed with the work of the authors as well as the support in the forums.
I don't see anything wrong with believing in the service you provide. If anything it was a hard working site owner a little upset that someone took his idea and copied it (and says “Original” in the name). They even took our licensing idea.... With that said... its normal for ideas to be taken and I really don’t see this site as a threat at all.
Call it egotistical but after 5 years of listening to writers and customers I think the advantage is us. There have been larger sites that have tried to compete... I remember being angry about year or two ago when I heard about a company that had 5 million in backing and was the same idea as CC. 2 years later... The company went another route and no longer competes with us.
I love the fact that writers come on this forum and tell us what they think, if it wasn’t for this CC would be no better then it was 4 years ago.
Last edited by constant-content on Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.