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Using Articles in Portfolio

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:48 pm
by Cheanque
Hi, All -

Does anyone know the best way we can credit articles sold through CC as publishing credits in our portfolio when we're marketing our work elsewhere - like, say, to periodicals? I'd like to be able to say I've published such and such articles and where they've been placed. Is there a way to find out where our articles wind up?


Re: Using Articles in Portfolio

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:18 pm
by Amy W
The best way to find your articles is to Google them - just copy and paste a sentence from your article, and put quotation marks around it. If your article is on the web, Google should find it - though it has missed some of mine before.

As for your portfolio, I would only include articles that have sold for usage. When you sell for full rights, the buyer owns the rights to your article - since you don't own it, you can't claim it as your own.

Hope I've helped!

Re: Using Articles in Portfolio

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:22 am
by BarryDavidson
Amy is quite correct. Once you've sold an article for full rights, it belongs to the buyer. On a rare occasion they will leave your byline, but don't count on it. Stick to work which still has your name attached.

If you're looking for a job (and the interviewer asks) you can make reference to work you've sold. Even then it's a he said/she said situation. The potential employer can either choose to believe you, or not.

I do regular searches for my name (in quotations) and some of my titles (same). I noticed at one site that I hadn't been credited with writing an article which sold here for usage rights. I emailed them, and they added my name to it within a few days. (ONLY do that if the article has sold for usage or unique rights)

Re: Using Articles in Portfolio

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:43 am
by viqifrench
Could you just provide potential employers your writing samples, but make it clear they were ghostwritten -- which by default means they're not supposed to find your name attached if they see them online?

Not saying I'm the norm, but I hire freelancers and don't care whether they've actually been published. I just need assurance this person's the true author of the work samples, and I need to see capable writing skills that won't need tons of editing.

Re: Using Articles in Portfolio

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:06 pm
by Constant
This is precisely the reason that we don't make people buy anything before they look at it. All articles are reviewed then posted so that you can get a read on whether the style and substance fulfills your needs. Please contact if you have any more questions.

Re: Using Articles in Portfolio

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:04 am
by BarryDavidson
Many of the authors here have sold articles for usage and unique rights. Also, many of us have written and published work elsewhere. Somewhere on my hard drive I have two files - one for fiction/poetry and one for articles. There's also a third one for my satire. I don't count satire as being in either of the two because some of the best satire is over fifty percent true.

Speaking of which, I need to do a search for all the articles I've sold for usage and unique in the last few months. Consider the ones sold for full rights "MIA" unless the buyer left your name attached to it.