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Requested Content Q/A: Maybe just a glitch?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:29 am
by Lizaj
I left my approved article lookup number (link) but when clicked, it just reverts back to the home page (which doesn't have my article on it).

I want to be sure the requester sees my article. Is this just a glitch?

I'm working full-time in retail now but am absolutely considering quitting and going full-time with writing. I'm kind of out-of-the-loop here at C-C so maybe this has been addressed and I missed it.

I sure hope to get back in the loop soon. :? C-C looks so awesome and you've made the process so easy! Thank you.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:36 am
by Celeste Stewart
Does you article title have a "?" at the end? If so, that's a known glitch. You can attach the article in the Q&A area and the link looks normal -- but when you click the link it just takes you back to the home page.

I try to remember to drop the question mark but occasionally forget. When I forget and catch it later, I manually enter the link into the message area for the customer.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:15 pm
by Lizaj
That's it. Thanks so much, Celeste.