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Revision of Sold Articles.
Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:56 pm
by contentwriter
Please let authors make an offer to revise a sold article, free of charge.
I could've sworn that I deleted an OLD article months ago. Then I got a notice that it got sold! I'm kinda upset because I'd taken down a bunch of old articles for revision and expansion. I sent a message to CC to please allow me to edit the article for the buyer, at no additional charge.
Maybe add a button like "Suggest a revision to buyer" or something.
Re: Revision of Sold Articles.
Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 5:08 pm
by Lysis
I'm pretty sure you're the only one who would offer this. lol Once it's sold, I don't care about it anymore. lol I've had people ask me for references and I don't even check where my content is posted. I really just don't care.
It's a nice thing to offer, but I don't think many people would want to edit something after it's sold. For all we know, the buyer has his own edits in mind and the content will be slightly different anyway.
I think for CC to offer edits to the buyer might add some unnecessary confusion to the process. Just think about it from the buyer's side. You buy something and get this message that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. You're probably more likely to send it back. It's sends a bad vibe. I figure people here like to buy without the hassle of interaction with anyone, so maybe that's why they've quietly refused. So drink up and enjoy the sale.

Re: Revision of Sold Articles.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 7:13 am
by Word Gypsy
From CC's help section for customers:
Requesting Revisions On Catalog Content
The revision system can also be used to request updates to any content you purchase from Constant Content's catalog. To do this, you'll first need to purchase the Full Rights to an article. You'll then be able to request a revision from the completed order page or the Download My Content page (you'll find the Request Revision link in the Actions column)
The process is largely the same as requesting revisions for custom content, except that these revisions are not included in the price by default. You'll need to work out a rate with the writer which you can do by just sending them a revision request with a proposed price, or by messaging them in advance.
The Full Rights - Revised License
If you have revisions done to any of your content you'll notice that the license you own will be called Full Rights - Revised. This license has the exact same conditions as the Full Rights License, but is updated to reflect that you also own the Full Rights to the revisions.
Re: Revision of Sold Articles.
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:49 am
by Abbamay
I forget about them once they're sold, too. The customer owns my articles (full rights) and can do whatever they like with them. Congratulations on a surprise sale!