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Calling for ideas?

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:29 pm
by constant-content
We are planning our next development and improvements I would love to hear how we can make things better, add features, etc.

Some of the things we are working on:
Better order process
Article submission

Looking for more.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:19 am
by HerbDoctor
Well, I wouldn't mind being able to add a short bio to the site and maybe a photo. :wink:


Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:19 am
by J. A. Young
I'm all for photos if we can use avatars--I got dibbs on Holiday Barbie; she's beautiful, way smarter than Malibu Barbie and I think she'll draw me a number of interested clients for my new line of holiday articles--coming soon. :D

But, on a more serious note, I will give this topic some more thought over the next day or so because I know I've wished for things from time to time so I need to collect my thoughts.

Off the top of my head, I wouldn't mind having the dates of our submission dropped. From my experience the new articles sell like hotcakes while the old ones--which are often on similar subject matter--get buried. I think the perception to a customer is that perhaps if no one else got to it by now, it might not be that good--which is generally untrue. It would be nice to just throw that time element out the window. Naturally, some articles need to be timely, but perhaps there is an option in the author's description to give the date and year.

If that is too radical, perhaps, just like we have a "new Content" list, perhaps we could showcase another list titled, "articles we think you should know about" or something like that and fill the list randomly with backlog articles. Just my two cents for the day. --J.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:04 pm
by Ed
Actually . . . that jogged my memory about something that I thought might draw customers' attention to other articles.

Maybe a widget (??using the right word??) that says, "If you like this article, you may like these . . . " and then it could have three or four random articles that appear because of same/similar keyword or subject. Sort of like what they do at some online retail shopsbut, without the sexy models.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:46 am
by constant-content
HerbDoctor wrote:Well, I wouldn't mind being able to add a short bio to the site and maybe a photo. :wink:

I thought about doing this, but I also though it may lead to customers contacting you directly and bypassing CC. I'm also trying to think of a way I can offer other writing services, like press releases, site rewriting, etc. I'm not sure how to handle this yet....

I was thinking of a biding system but I'm not sure If I like that.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:47 am
by darlene758
I'm not sure what I think about a bidding system. I do like the idea of somehow drawing attention to the older articles though, maybe feature older articles or something like that.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:51 am
by HerbDoctor
constant wrote: . . . customers contacting you directly and bypassing CC...
I can certainly see that happening, especially if most C-C writers are like me and write under their real names. It hasn't yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.


Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:03 am
by Celeste Stewart
RE: the short bio

Maybe the editors must approve the bio like they do the articles. If the bios are written in such manner that gives the interesting details but not the identifying info then that might solve the problem.

Something like:

So and So is a freelance writer with a master's degree in biology. So and So spent ten years with U.S. Coast Guard and has won numerous journalism awards.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:19 pm
by J. A. Young
I guess with no way to verify biographical information, there's little point. I actually prefer my relative anonymity, but I think the work should speak for itself--in this type of market at any rate. Afterall, anyone can conjure up a masters in any topic they happen to be writing an article on--yea, I'm cynical--but then, I can be; I really do have a masters degree.

I do love the idea of expanding the writing services. I do a ton of press release/publicity work in my day job and I know the need is out there for this type of writing.

But, if it gets to be a question of how much time CC staff has to devote to any or all of these upgrades to the site--which would be great--I think the momentum could even be directed into even greater publicity for the site--ways to keep drawing more clients for the writers. So, while it might be neat to see my face attached to my articles, I'd rather see the site bring in ten more enthusiastic gardening customers :D or the like.

By the by, I don't want to overstep what the writers should or need to know, but if it's possible, are there any selling statistics the writers could be privvy to? Well maybe not. I'm just wondering how many customers get emails about new articles written in their categories. I guess if all the writers had that info, we'd probably just write for those categories. Probably a good idea to just stick to what I'm doing.

By the way, I think the site is wonderful, and even if you kept to the status quo, I'd be content. --J

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:54 am
by Article Admin
I have worked on other sites that have had a bidding system and I am not real crazy about that idea. It causes a lot of hard feelings and resentment between writers. This can lead to big problems.

I do like the idea of articles not being dated, especially if they are not dated in the writing process. I feel it does take away from sales. Some purchasers think that if the article has been on the site for 6 months without being purchased, that it is not top quality. This could be nothing from the truth.

I will also think this over and see if I can come up with other ideas. Thanks for the opportunity to allow us input into CC. Not many sites care about the opinion of anyone but management.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 4:27 pm
by Celeste Stewart
The ability to edit keywords after the article has been submitted - like how we can edit the price.

A way to see the if a request is new or not without having to click "view description".

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:56 am
by HerbDoctor
J. A. Young wrote:I guess with no way to verify biographical information, there's little point.
I suppose you're right--anyone can pad a resume--but given that I've spent so many years and a whole lot of money making myself an expert in my field, I welcome the opportunity to show off a little. Honestly, I feel like I've earned it. :wink:


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:46 am
by J. A. Young
I think you're entitled to advertise your knowledge base--especially if you do have expertise in a given area. I prefer to be vague--even though I am a researcher by trade, I don't necessarily want to pigeonhole what my areas are in case I want to write about something completely different. As always, the work should demonstrate the necessary knowledge. The expertise should shine through there.

Maybe as a compromise for people who want to include bios and pics would be to add them to the "about the authors" section rather than along with each article. Then, if a customer wants, they can click into individual author pages to get extended info. about them. Would that work? I actually like that idea. --J.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:24 am
by HerbDoctor
OK, I'm embarassed. I wasn't actually talking about including a bio with each article. I was thinking of exactly what you suggested--having a bio on our author page. :oops:

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:01 pm
by Galskygge
I thought about doing this, but I also though it may lead to customers contacting you directly and bypassing CC. I'm also trying to think of a way I can offer other writing services, like press releases, site rewriting, etc. I'm not sure how to handle this yet....

I was thinking of a biding system but I'm not sure If I like that.
I'm not quite sure I like the bidding system either. I always pass up stuff like this because sometimes it just gets to be too much. However, maybe it might be different on CC. No clue. Either way I'm sure you guys will think of something great of ya'll plan to go through with it :).