I'm just wondering about this weird thing going on at the moment, for which I haven't been able to find an answer by searching the forums.
Every day or two, I get 6-8 offers (or more) on content, all from a user called "info". I figured it was probably the CC team going through and putting together their "discount packages", seeing how much each person's minimum is for whatever content... but absolutely none of the offers ever go through.
Is anyone else seeing this? Is it normal? Is there any point responding to these bizarre offers, since they never go anywhere?
I have had a couple of offers from that source lately, of a not crazily low price, and so I accepted them, at the same time as having a feeling they wouldn't materialise into sales. And they haven't. But I am not sure there's a down side to accepting them since I assume they are still there to be bought by anyone until they are actually sold. I asked CC whether that was so, with the usual silent response, so does anyone know?
Yes, they stay on sale regardless of the offer. That's another weird thing: offers never seem to expire, so I have some in my list that are REALLY old. The ones I get from "info" aren't horribly low - there's just an awful lot of them, and they never go anywhere. I think I have about 20 in my list at the moment, with no sales. I don't understand the point of it, I guess!
The articles he/she bought from me in the past were in 'waiting' status for a while before they were purchased. So I'd like to think that your articles with offers will be the same - he'll probably buy them altogether once he has a number of accepted offers
With over 20 articles on his list, it would be a very special payday for me if that happened!
Thanks for your responses: at least now I know it's not someone messing around, and that they're actual offers, no matter how many (or few) go through.
info does that a lot. I only accept a select few of the offers, for old articles or for ones that didn't take very long and that I know I would have trouble selling. They recently bought 10 at a time, so that was nice! And yeah, some of those were from offers that they made months ago!
I get that a lot too, again from "info". I wonder if this customer is using a bot to make offers on tons of content and then manually reviewing just those that writers accept?
I have had a rush of offers from customer Info also over a period of several weeks. So far, nary a sale. If he/she actually purchases even half of the offers made, it will be the first substantive payout I have had here since May. But I'm not holding my breath.
This is odd. I've had the complete opposite kind of experience with info these past few days. I got a single -not particularly low- offer which turned into a sale after a couple of days, followed by a short chat that got me a private request. I had read this thread before accepting the offer, so i didn't think it would go through, but I had nothing to lose anyway.
From my point of view, customer info looks perfectly legit. They even sent me a link of the website they posted my article in.
I've just had more offers from info - but so low that they aren't worth accepting. After CC takes their cut it leaves me with hardly anything. I had to refuse the poor guy.
Still receiving offers from Customer Info. They are not ridiculously low and all for old items in my catalogue (I haven't written anything here since April.) so I have been accepting them. So far, nary a sale, and some of these offers have sat through two payout dates. We're coming up on a third and I have little confidence that any sales will go through before then, either.
I know a couple of people on this thread have had sales from Customer Info but I am beginning to think that he/she really is just "kicking the tires" to see how low writers will go. It's actually fairly annoying but as long as the articles remain on sale at their regular price, and the offers are not totally insulting, I guess I'll keep accepting them. *shrug*
Info has just placed an offer on my whole catalog - even very similar articles when most buyers would only buy one, not both. I only accepted a few with reasonable prices, as the rest are around half of what I wanted. Unfortunately I had already put lowish prices on some because they had been there for ages without selling. I'm keen to hear if info buys anything from anyone else soon. It seems a bit random and strange.