I am wondering if the editors generally smile or frown at "list" type articles, such as "top 10 whatevers of whatever" or "handy tips for X" or those types of articles?
of course with an intro paragraph and a closing paragraph, sure thing, but what about the main part in the middle?
Lists okay?
"List" articles
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed
Re: "List" articles
I do lists all the time. You have to add some meat to each point though. You can't just type out a bunch of bullet points and then turn it in. Use each list item as a subheader and then explain the item in 1-2 paragraphs. You won't have an issue if you do it that way.
Re: "List" articles
Great to hear!
Thanks for the reply.

Thanks for the reply.

Re: "List" articles
The closing paragraph is a little redundant IMO but make sure you do one or you'll get it kicked back. Good luck!