I claimed a job that called for 30 articles several weeks ago. When I had ten of them completed, the client messaged me, said he liked my work but purchased only four of them. He said to write six more on the topic, then he wanted me to write for a different company, under the same order. Said he'd let me know when to start. It's been a week now, and I have heard nothing back. Client does not respond to my polite messages. The client added a few days to my deadline, because the original due date is long passed.
Shall I start Copyscaping my work to see if he simply bagged my articles without paying? Shall I be patient? I devoted a big chunk of my work week to this guy, and I was really counting on that income in my October first pay. I did the work before the LAST CC pay period. (grrrr)
CC is always too busy to help, so I figured I'd throw this on the forum and see what my fellow writers think about this f-f-frustrating situation.
