Okay, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post thsi or not, so if I'm not then please inform me of it. Thank you.
I have a website and I added a link to it for fellow freelance writers/journalists. Basicly it's where you can palce an ad for free.. because I know there are a lot of places wherey ou have to pay for that. It may not be much, but every little bit helps! I hope you decide to post an ad on my webpage . Here's the page: http://bath.i8.com/freelance.html
I also recently started a web site that I just finished posting new job leads on. You can find it at www.freewebs.com/freelancewriting I enjoy writing for constant content very much, but as a freelance writer you really can't put all your eggs in one basket.
It's me again, on the scrounge for ways to get more work (aren't I always?).
I've got a good client base now of repeat offenders (I mean orders) but most are websites and websites only. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the work that comes from them but waiting for them to find me or advertising to the few that look at websites I have links on doesn't bring me as much work as I'd like. So, what I want to know is this.
In the modern era of combatting spam, would it be considered bad form to directly email a website with examples of your work or even a freebie article relating to their site, and market your own services in such a manner?
It seems to me that this would be an easy(ish) way to get work but I don't want to get in the bad books by doing so.
For instance, most of the articles I've written and sold to date appear to be health related. What's to stop me searching for 100 health related websites and sending a link to one of my articles saying 'you could pay me $x to write articles similar to this for your site'.
Can't really say for sure, but I have gone around e-mailing various websites if they are hiring freelance writers, etc. The website www.ivillage.com told me to send in my resume. They aren't hiring currently, but the lady told me to send it anyway because they hold resumes for one year.