Timeframe for new articles approval

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Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:33 am

Timeframe for new articles approval

Post by elisek »

Hello fellow authors - apologies if i am not posting in the correct forum...

How long does it typically take for your articles to get approved or rejected (any sort of action)? I have submitted an article over a week ago and it is still hanging under the "review" status. Would appreciate to hear your experience. Elise
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:48 pm

Re: Timeframe for new articles approval

Post by JoHunley »

That's not right. Maybe send a message, it might have gotten lost in the queue.

Normal for me is from a few hours to up to two days.
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Location: New Mexico

Re: Timeframe for new articles approval

Post by Debbi »

An article can easily take up to a week to be reviewed if it is not for a public request and there are lots of public and private request articles in the queue. Responses to requests take precedence over on spec articles.