Topic Ideas Up for Grabs

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

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Re: Topic Ideas Up for Grabs

Post by Zabrina »

I for one would love to see more title ideas that are current! What have you guys found that is selling well?

Most of the articles I've noticed selling in the last few days or week seem to fit into the categories of health and fitness, saving money, business (particularly home businesses; I can see the effect of the recession here!), or legal advice.
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Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:08 pm

Re: Topic Ideas Up for Grabs

Post by Lysis »

I just had an article sell on snoring pregnant women. :D

My best articles that I really feel strongly about are the ones that I get from some of the hot tech topics are health news. I'd really like to sit down and write from some of my professor's lectures in the sciences, but it would take me a while to write it.

also, if you enjoy a certain subject (this might only apply to the sciences and I'm ignorant to a lot of other topics) you can read the news at university research centers. I know at the university I attend, they require professors to research to teach, so there is always news on their websites or papers. I also watch the news for ideas. For instance,I wrote on cardiac arrest and opiates since I know that topic well. After Michael Jackson died, I know a lot of people don't understand why drugs can stop the heart. Since it was announced that he had a cardiac arrest, it's just obvious a drug OD, but most people don't know the difference between a cardiac arrest and a heart attack. So, my idea was to write a short article on the interaction of drugs and cardiac arrest.

Sometimes, I come up with ideas out of the blue, but they aren't doing so well with the rejections.