Affiliates (recruited authors)

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Copy and paste the link. I don't think it's clickable here on the site, but once you copy and paste it into your email, blog, or Web site, it should be.

I think the improper emailing you're thinking of involves sending spam messages with your link. As long as you're sending it to a friend and not randomly spamming people, you're probably fine.
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by jadedragon »

Well I'm up to 10 affiliates and two have submitted articles so far. No sales but that should come. CC is the best writing deal on the net (aside from creating your own niche sites perhaps). I just like to share that on my blog and elsewhere.
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by jrichards »

Hi there,

You can use your affiliate code as you suggested by just emailing it over to them, or by putting it up on your website as a link (clickable :) )

If you're friend puts the link into their web browser and goes to that address we tag them as being associated with you and you'll see them in your account when you sign in.

Hope that helps,
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by MPIvy »

Ah, that clears it up! Thanks so much. Really amazing what great and prompt attention is given to even the smallest questions.

And with that I'll ask another: as I was poking around the site today, I stumbled upon a section something like "suggested topics" but all were from 2008. It seemed like a good idea cause sometimes I just "get nothing" when I look at my screen and having suggested topics seems like a way to get beyond that, even if they're just "starter" pieces.

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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by Debbi »

The best "suggested topics" are the public requests. Not only are they great topics to get your started but someone is already in the market for the articles. Also, in the Requested Content is a tab called "Standing Requests" which has just begun. These are topics CC knows are popular and have a really ggod chance of selling. You can also look at the "Search Topics" tab on the Recently Sold page to see what people are looking for.

Hope that helps!
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by aprilk10 »

Hi! I'm new here and just getting used to the way the site operates! After reading some of the posts here, I am almost afraid to do anything for fear I will unintentionally do something wrong! :oops: I have sold 4 out of 9 articles so far, and am excited at the possiblities here! My largest just sold for $125! Anyway, my question is if there is anywhere that it is not permitted to place the affiliate link or the widget? It seems I read on here somewhere that someone had their account suspended for sending the affiliate link in a private email. Can they be placed on social networks such as Facebook? Thanks! I am truly loving working through Constant Content! :D
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hi, don't be afraid, you're doing great!

You can post your affiliate links/widget on your Facebook page, blogs, and websites no problem.
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by aprilk10 »

Thanks for the quick reply Celeste! I had a somewhat shaky start here. After my first sale, I got excited and was working too quickly. I had an article returned twice for revisions and was overlooking alot of foolish mistakes! I slowed down and explored the site a little more and am now much more comfortable! CC is much different than other places I have been submitting my work...and much more profitable! I will be attempting to recruite more authors now and hopefully profit from their success! Thanks again!
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by aprilk10 »

Ok...I have another crazy question concerning the affiliate link. I have never posted affiliate links before. I don't have my own website or blog. Is it considered ok to post the link in a comment on someone else's blog page, or is that considered a "blog etiquette no-no?" :)
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by jadedragon »

I'd be careful about putting your affiliate link in other author's blogs/websites. Plus no one is going through comments looking to sign up for CC so it is pretty much a waste of time.

Also, remember the stats that only 1 of 10 authors who join even submit an article here. Then factor in that most authors do very little with their account. So I don't think one can retire off the affiliates very easily.
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by Debbi »


Is that statistic (1 of 10 authors) posted somewhere? I'd love to see a full work-up of the authors here: how many sign up but never submit, how many submit but never sell, how many are suspended, and the flip side of course--how many sell within the first month, how many sell over some certain amount per month, etc. Oh, just everything about us, heehe :)
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by jadedragon »

Look at the 2 threads near the topic of this Author Exchange Forum "How to Sell More Articles" and "How to Sell More Articles 2" Some of the stats you are asking about are in these very helpful posts. I thought that's is where the 1 in 10 new author number comes from but I don't see it there. I did read that somewhere. I think Ed wrote something like "only 1 in 10 authors who join ever submit articles. There is not as much competition for public requests as you might think." or maybe I dreamed it all.
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by aprilk10 »

You didn't dream it! Found it at the bottom of the first post on "How to Sell More Articles"...about how only 10% of writers who sign up ever submit anything!
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by jadedragon »

This just proves I am going blind and I can quote somethings almost exactly from memory. So as the post says, get writing. I've got 11 articles in the review cue right now (I still don't write enough though).
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Re: Affiliates (recruited authors)

Post by Beaker »

Why does it matter to anyone that someone else is earning the 5%? While it may seem that no effort on someone's part is making them huge amounts, affiliate links don't work that way. That person probably put out dozens or more links on blogs, forums, hubs and the like. Then, those were marketed to drive up the traffic to them. Then, they probably attracted very few clickers and even few joiners. Out of the joiners, there may be only one or two who are actually earning money for them. Affiliate links aren't easy money whatsoever, and I think it's kind of sad to begrudge someone payment for the work they put in just because you don't know that person.