Did all the editors go on vacation?

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

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Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Post by buckeyes09 »

Well, I got a few reviewed, but they were some of my recent submissions, and were rejected for the "we don't except articles with..". And because of that, they took out the rest of my articles from my queue (which is ridiculous when there were articles over a week old that were not reviewing that must be put back on the queue). It's interesting because my articles seem to need wholesale changes or nothing done other than fixing a typo or two.
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Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Post by paulasheri »

Now 13 days. Is this normal? Really??
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

13 days doesn't seem normal. How many do you have sitting in review? I'd be tempted to remove at least one and resubmit just to see if somehow it got lost in cyberspace or something. Not that it would be lost in cyberspace, but you know how if you hover your mouse over an email too long the email turns into "read" status? Maybe something like that happened at CC and it's off the editor's radar. Not sure how the inner workings work, but I'd be tempted to restart the process after this long of a wait.

Edited to Add:
I just read another thread: http://www.constant-content.com/forum/v ... ead#unread and Eric from CC confirmed that the review queue is a little backed up but the editors are catching up quickly.
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Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Post by paulasheri »

I actually thought of that myself, too. I deleted and submitted one from scratch after 3 days of sitting. Both the "resubmited" (nice spelling), and the "review" status articles are both still sitting. I'm very frustrated because the public request they were written for has now long expired and they were very specific requests. Waste of time, no one else is going to want them.

ETA: Well, I see that the one I deleted and submitted anew has been accepted - though I did not receive an email alerting me to this for some reason. The other is still stuck in "resubmited" status. Not sure whether I should delete and resubmit. After waiting two weeks, I'm not thrilled at the idea of going to the back of the line. On the other hand, if I'm in line at a closed register, then.....
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Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Post by Genevieve »

I have returned to CC after not writing here for several months. Submitted an article last week and it's still waiting. I don't want to violate CC rules by messaging the editor, so that's why I'm posting here. I have another public request that I'd really love to write!
I want to wait, though, to make sure I haven't made any "rejection-worthy" mistakes on my first article so I know what I'm doing is right. :P

Hope it gets edited soon!