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Stolen Article - Check for Your Names Too

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:26 am
by Carrie
I've already written to admin about this, but I thought you should all be aware of it too.

I was Googling my name this morning to see where some of my articles might have popped up, and I found this:

Which is all well and good, but this article is currently for sale here at C-C, and has never been purchased. The only other place on the web that this article appears is in my long summary here. I put the whole article in there.

I don't know if this will affect the possibility of the article ever being sold, but I'm so angry I'm chomping at the bit to send the owners of this site an invoice for the unique rights price.

Anyway, if anyone else here has put their whole articles in their long summary (which I will never do again), you may want to do a search on the name you use here at that site to make sure they haven't stolen from you too.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:19 pm
by Aariana Adams
Carrie, I'll be interested to know what you do about this and how it turns out. Can you contact the webmaster to have it taken down?

We've had some great customers here who pay well. I've posted complete articles for their convenience.

Good luck,

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 2:13 pm
by constant-content
We have contacted the website on your behalf.. We have free articles on this site as well, the person probably thought it was free. Or someone else submitted it to the site, this is a big reason we don't recommend submitting the full article in the summery.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:49 am
by constant-content
- This does effect the article from getting sold as someone checking may see its already been published. This could also effect your CC reputation. If a customer thinks you are double dipping and not following the CC terms they might just ignore your articles.

- This article was removed and the website was warned.

- What can you do

In the future you can file paperwork to get the entire site banned from Google and even get the adsense account banned. This is a major deal for the people doing this since this is the way they make money.

Its a bit of a hassle but if the site is a repeat offender its worth it.

In this instance the webmaster said that anyone can submit articles to this site and they do not check for plagiarism. This is crazy if you ask me, as they are opening themselves up to all sorts of issues.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:20 am
by Carrie
Thank you Chris - I really appreciate your quick action on this one. I've changed my pricing on that article to usage only.

That site is going to have all kinds of problems if they keep their policy as it stands now. They allow unregistered users to post articles? It's like they're intentionally trying to avoid any responsibility.

Article Admin/Ed, do I have to pull and then resubmit my approved articles to change the long summary so that the entire article isn't in there? Like Aariana mentioned, the reason I put the full article in the summary was for the client's convenience. I've seen a few ask for them that way, so figured it would make things easier. Never again!

I recommend signing up for Google news alerts that include your name - your pen name and your real name if it's visible anywhere. You'll know within a few days if someone posts something that you've written; if they keep the author credit intact that is.