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Article rejeted again - I'm confused

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:00 pm
by lissie
OK first off I have written and published 3 articles for this site all of which got approved by editors first off. The last article I got approved for was for a public request which wants several articles on similar topics. Having sold that article I then revised that article to suit another of his subjects and re-submitted it. By revised I mean I took the basic article structure and re-wrote it to reflect another sub-topic, this is not a duplicate content problem, as far as I know. Knowing that the client bought the first article it seemed stupid to change a winning formula.

I have now had the article rejected twice and I don't know what else to do. I re-wrote again, what I think is the offending paragraph, but I am really not sure if its worth risking re-submitting it to c-c (if its rejected again making 3 times, I'm out right?) At this point the article probably won't sell anyway because its been over a week since the original request. The original article that sold got approved overnight (my time) so the client had it within 24 hours of making the request - but each rejection has taken days (not helped by Thanksgiving which isn't the editor's fault) - is that the usual pattern or have I just been unlucky?

[continued below]

Re: Article rejeted again - I'm confused

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:03 pm
by lissie
[continued from above - why does this board have a word limit?]

I really don't normally have this problem, I write for a freelance agency who can't get over how good my grammar and writing is - so although I don't think of myself as a Writer, I do think I can write to the market. I normally write an then proof read a few hours later. This formal revising days after the initial writing is new to me.

I also find that the more I revise an article the worse it gets. Well I think it is: I doubt myself I guess. So instead I re-wrote the bit which I think is the problem. I guess the question is, apart from frustration: is what tricks do you have for revision? I normally just read the piece aloud (to stop me skimming) and correct as I go. I always use a spell-checker (and I don't think that's the problem) but I find the grammar checkers in software useless.

I've deliberately written this in the style that I normally write an article - so any criticisms of the the grammar would be GREATLY appreciated!

Re: Article rejeted again - I'm confused

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:33 am
by Ed
You were probably (though I can't guarantee) asked to revise thoroughly. At any rate, rejections usually encompass the whole article and isn't limited to a section or a paragraph. Commas, punctuation, and clarity are still off. When the very first sentence begins with an error that was present in the last submission, it's a good indication to me that the article hasn't been adequately revised. Further reading ascertained this suspicion.

Please read your article line by line, looking for ways clarity can be improved. Singular-plural agreement must be present, and this was touched upon in the first rejection notice (In the case of the resubmit - a younger traveler . . . her parents). Comma rules have not been followed, even though you were given a resource to reference. You were asked to revise for apostrophes in the first rejection. The article still contains erroneous apostrophes.

If you cannot find these errors, I suggest placing your introductory paragraph into the Constructive Criticism thread. If you are still having trouble, it is advisable to put the article away for a day or two, despite it being in answer to a public request. If the article still contains these errors upon a third submission, I'm sorry, but I will not be able to review it a fourth time.

Thank you,