What sells?

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed

Posts: 19
Joined: Sat Dec 22, 2007 4:15 pm

What sells?

Post by Caterina »

It seems like the only articles I have been able to sell are those for request,but lately there just haven't been any requests that I feel qualified writing about. So, my question is, what kinds of articles sell? Is writing for request the only way to make money on this website?
Celeste Stewart
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Location: California

Re: What sells?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Lots of non-request articles sell. Some topics I've had success with lately include:
Finance (business and personal)

I find that requests are a faster way to make money because there's a customer right now with a need. I also have sold many articles quite quickly that weren't written to a specific request. Watch the recently sold list to see what types of articles are hot.
Celeste Stewart
Posts: 3528
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:28 pm
Location: California

Re: What sells?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Also, that Assisted Living request might be a good one because the customer is open to many different angles. So, while you may not be an expert on the Assisted Living topic, you may have a different angle. For example, if your background is in insurance, you might cover "Does insurance cover assisted living?" If you helped care for a parent with a debilitating condition, you might write about "When assisted living is the only option left." You might explore different types of assisted living arrangements such as in-home care versus assisted living facilities.

Remember that you don't have to be an expert on a topic, just a good researcher with a curious mind.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sat Dec 22, 2007 4:15 pm

Re: What sells?

Post by Caterina »

I have another question about citing sources. Does it matter how you do it on CC? I didn't see any specific guidlines about it in the writers guidelines.

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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: What sells?

Post by Ed »

If you search for "citing sources" using the search box in the upper right hand corner, you can see all of the discussion about this topic, which should answer any question you have about citing sources. Unfortunately, I'm unable to copy the results here.

The main rule that must be followed is that we do not accept content with website addresses/links. Web sources must be cited so that they conform to our guidelines.
