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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:39 pm
by SarahElisabeth
I'm so excited! I have an excepted article to constant content! After viewing the quality of writing here, and having the first article rejected, I wasn't sure I was up to this level yet. But on just my second try, I was accepted!

Okay, I'm calming down now :lol:


Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:50 pm
by Jmercer
Congratulations Sarah, and thank you for giving me hope! My first article was rejected earlier today and I keep toggling back to my status screen nervously.

I cannot argue with the rejection on the first, because the editor raised a valid concern. Of course, I could provide the missing data with one quick sentence, but I'm afraid to submit anything else until I hear better news.


Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:54 pm
by SarahElisabeth
I haven't re-submitted my first article yet, I was scared to! lol, I wanted to get at least one accepted first. I'm taking a long, hard look at the rejected one.


Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:28 pm
by Debbi

Congratulations! Now, be sure to let us all know the minute you make your first sale :)

Keep up the good work, both of you. CC is a challenge, but one well worth attempting. Success is all the sweeter.



Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:32 pm
by Antonia
Congratulations, Sarah! It's great that your hard work paid off. Keep it up :)
Jmercer, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your 2nd article is accepted. If it's rejected for some reason and you'd like another pair of eyes on it, feel free to send it to me (go to my profile page on the main site and click on Contact Author). I would be happy to point out any errors I find.


Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:31 am
by Phil
Welcome to both, congrats to the young lady, and the offer to help is pretty much universal. How's that for a sentence that would not survive the red pen? Lucky for all of us that forum posts are not graded. :mrgreen:

Give me a hollar and I will be glad to help if I can. I am a serious rookie here and really, really, (did I mention really?) get the anxiety that waiting produces along with the letdown if something didn't go right. Good Luck - Phil


Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:02 pm
by SarahElisabeth
Thanks for the congrats! You can bet I will let everyone know the minute I make my first sale! :D

I'm glad forum post aren't graded too...I would never post! :roll:


Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:20 am
by chessgolf
Hi SarahElizabeth
Well done!

A question:

How long did it take from the time you submitted your article to having it accepted?

I submitted my first article 5 days ago and have had no acceptance or rejection as yet.



Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:04 am
by Debbi

If you write an article for a public request, it will be reviewed right away and then you will know if your subsequent submissions are likely to meet CC's standards. When I first joined, that's exactly what I did, though I didn't know it was a good idea at the time. I wasn't sure what to write about so I just picked something from the Public Requests list and wrote something up. It was rejected twice for formatting errors because of Word 2007 defaults, but after I got that figured out it passed. I think it was reviewed within an hour of submission.

Since then I have submitted 50 articles, 6 last weekend, 1 for a Public Request, 5 on spec. The 5 on spec articles have been sitting in the review queueu for almost a week, but the one I submitted for a Public Request was reviewed right away.

Hope that helps,



Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:31 am
by Ed
It is better to write an article for general review before diving into the public requests arena. Authors who aren't familiar with our system should familiarize themselves first with how it works first. It's a waste of time for everyone if authors don't know the system and submit articles to public requests, only to have them rejected because of formatting or other issues.



Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:43 am
by Debbi
I guess you're right about that Ed. Not only would my suggestion overload the public request system, it wouldn't help new writers learn.

Has there been any thoughts to restricting submissions to Public Requests to authors who have had at least one article approved? Tht would circumvent anyone trying to "work the system" (though tht wasn't my intention when I submitted my first article here.)

JC, I withdraw my dumb suggestion!



Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:30 pm
by SarahElisabeth
JC, thanks! My first article was rejected after 8 days in regular review and I believe it was the same amount of time for the second one which did get accepted.


Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:48 pm
by Antonia
Review times for on-spec articles have been longer lately...poor Ed is swamped. I happened to join during a slower time and my first articles were accepted within a couple days, but even that felt like an eternity so I know those of you waiting now must be chewing your fingernails down the quick!


Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:24 am
by Silvercode
Congrats Sarah!

I just submitted my first article, and I in the "check often" crowd until I find out if it is accepted or not.
I'm actually happy that a qualified person is looking my work over. For other writing websites, I've gotten sloppy because things are never checked and the payout is so small. I'm looking forward to getting my writing "into shape" on C.C.

Now to go back and check the article status yet again.. :roll:


Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:45 pm
by SarahElisabeth
Yep, I checked it often :roll: The rejected email came straight to my inbox, but the "accepted" one was junked! lol