Changing an accepted public request

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Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:10 am
Location: Liverpool

Changing an accepted public request

Post by mjsellars »


Sorry if this question has been posted and dealt with before (I've looked, I really have).

I've recently had an article accepted (by the CC editors) for a public request. The requester has contacted me to make some minor changes. I'm perfectly happy to make the alterations but when I click on 'edit', I don't appear to be able to resubmit the article (which I have now changed). Do I need to treat it as a completely new submission?

Hope that's clear.

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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: Changing an accepted public request

Post by Ed »

Hi Mike,

Here's what you do: Pull the article from the system. Make the changes, then resubmit. Include a note in the beginning of your short summary that indicates that you are submitting a previously accepted article with changes made per discussion with customer.
