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Moving eHow Articles

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:13 pm
by Beaker
Because of the new guidelines just implemented at eHow, I'd like to move some or all of my articles off site. Can they be moved here? Part of the new guidelines makes it more difficult to get the articles deleted from eHow, but I'd like to eventually get them deleted and re-published elsewhere. Is it allowed to have them here for usage, even if I don't have the same user name as I do at eHow? How do you let the editor know that the articles are available elsewhere, but that you have the copyright?

Re: Moving eHow Articles

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:39 pm
by jadedragon
You might recognize my username from eHow. I do not recommend moving articles from eHow here in eHow format. The eHow format is too structured to sell here. Also even if you do use the same text you can only offer the article for "usage" here. Plus you need to have the same user name here as on eHow and that might be a problem.

I'll share a strategy that works for me. Take the eHow and post it will minor only changes to a site like Xomba (deleting it from eHow). I just wrote a guide on that - click on my weblink (little globe) to see it.

Than take the information your researched and write a normal article for Constant Content. Use normal paragraphs rather than Step 1, Step 2 etc. Don't use the same words or sentences, but the step order can be the same especially since a lot of things should only be done in a specific order. Now you have an article you can sell for full rights for more than you would likely earn for the same info on eHow plus you have the old eHow earning adsense for you on Xomba.

Welcome to Constant Content where the management treats the writers right. The standards are higher but the pay is worth it too. Feel free to ask me any questions, and you will find find others here very helpful too.

Re: Moving eHow Articles

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:44 am
by Beaker
I've actually been a member for several years and sold a lot of articles here. I love CC! I don't have a problem with a slight alteration of the articles and selling them for usage rights only, but I wonder how to communicate that the articles on eHow are mine.

Re: Moving eHow Articles

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:49 am
by Elizabeth Ann West
If your usernames don't match up, real name or otherwise, you can't. It's the FAQ.

Re: Moving eHow Articles

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:19 am
by Ed
Elizabeth is right. In addition, I've noticed that when authors attempt to remove their articles from eHow, our checks still indicate that the article was published there - sans the original author's name. This means we wouldn't be able to accept the article anyway.


Re: Moving eHow Articles

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:23 am
by Lysis
I haven't used eHow published articles, but I've sold my rejected articles here. You need to rework the 1, 2, 3 steps that you have in the eHow article and work them into paragraphs. It can be done, but you need to work on the article a bit.

Re: Moving eHow Articles

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:53 am
by Elizabeth Ann West
Hey Jade,

I just used your affiliate link from your personal site to give Xomba a try, mainly for articles I have that are well written, but not a great fit for C-C. Bonus, I made my sig this:

Elizabeth Ann West is a jane-of-all-trades freelance writer, specializing in technology, finance, and any topic aimed at educating the reader. Her main portfolio available for sale is at Constant-Content (made it a link to my profile) and she accepts a limited number of private clients at her professional site, (link to my quote submission page).

No idea if it will bring me any sales, but that way if a reader doesn't click on the ads, maybe they will click to view my portfolio here on C-C and some sales of content happen. :)

Re: Moving eHow Articles

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:36 am
by jadedragon
Ed wrote:Elizabeth is right. In addition, I've noticed that when authors attempt to remove their articles from eHow, our checks still indicate that the article was published there - sans the original author's name. This means we wouldn't be able to accept the article anyway.

I just saw an email pleading that if you deleted articles at eHow you can ask them to restore them. So they are not really really gone and this confirms it.
Link here for a copy: ... e-at-ehow/

Re: Moving eHow Articles

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:47 am
by jadedragon
Elizabeth Ann West wrote:Hey Jade,

I just used your affiliate link from your personal site to give Xomba a try, mainly for articles I have that are well written, but not a great fit for C-C. Bonus, I made my sig this:

Elizabeth Ann West is a jane-of-all-trades freelance writer, specializing in technology, finance, and any topic aimed at educating the reader. Her main portfolio available for sale is at Constant-Content (made it a link to my profile) and she accepts a limited number of private clients at her professional site, (link to my quote submission page).

No idea if it will bring me any sales, but that way if a reader doesn't click on the ads, maybe they will click to view my portfolio here on C-C and some sales of content happen. :)
Now that is an awesome sig idea! Remember that your sig does not go into your articles automatically - just paste it in yourself. Your sig does go on every comment you make on your own or anyone else's articles.

My sig provides a link to my blog. I've added links to a few of my articles, and some of my bookmarks go to my blog of course. In the last month Xomba has netted me 56 visits averaging 2.52 page views of just over 6 minutes on average. Bounce rate is under 50%. That is significantly better quality traffic than almost every other source.

Another thing you might consider is posting articles where you have sold usage rights at CC. You can leave them up for more rights sales but you own the the copyright so you might as well benefit as many ways as you can.