Basic Offer Questions- Newbie

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Basic Offer Questions- Newbie

Post by abbylgs »

How do I accept an offer? I am not sure if my response went through. Thanks.
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Re: Basic Offer Questions- Newbie

Post by Gouldm80 »

Hi Abby. :) I'm kind of newer here, but my understanding of this is that you just change the status on the drop down to "accept", and then whenever the merchant gets around to paying for the article, it's sold. I think it may be possible to receive an offer, choose to accept it, and then have the customer not follow through on their offer. Someone else who's been here longer than me may want to clarify. I only have one experience to draw upon, but in that instance, I accepted an offer and then the article showed up as sold two weeks later. Not sure if that's typical or what. Hope that helps. :)

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Re: Basic Offer Questions- Newbie

Post by jadedragon »

Mike is correct, accepting an offer does not mean it is sold. The buyer needs to come back and make the purchase.