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Questions Regarding Images/Illustrations in Articles

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:50 pm
by REason
I would like some guidance on the topic of images/ illustrations in the articles. How many authors offer this? Do you embed the photos/illustrations in Word documents?
Do you offer the images in HTML format and zip them?
Are the images offered as web quality or print quality?

Any and all comments on this topic are welcomed!

It depends!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:54 am
by LJade
Hey, I just noticed your post and because a recent content request actually requested "illustrations" I thought I would comment on this. I had major problems with my photos because they were so big, I had to resize them and mail them to C-C support.

Personally, I've only dealt with one other requester from a different source who wanted photo's and they did want them embedded in the document. So, not only did I have to write but then play photographer and lay out director.

I think it just depends and sometimes more info is necessary, there's nothing wrong with asking a requester just "how" they want it in my opinion.

...And that's my two cents today lol.

Images and Illustrations

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:08 am
by REason
Thanks very much for your response. I don't mind at all embedding images or playing with layouts. I conclude from your statement about resizing images is that all graphics are optimized for the web. That little tid bit of info is very helpful! I really appreciate the info!