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Weird sales

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:39 am
by nichewriter
Has anyone had a weird sale experience the last couple of days? Today, I got an email notice that one of my articles sold for full rights. BUT that article has sold for full rights last year to the same buyer. The same thing happened yesterday with another one of my articles. It sold for full rights again but it had already sold for full rights to another buyer 2 weeks ago. I didn't have to contact CC about that one because the sale disappeared after a few hours.


Re: Weird sales

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:39 am
by Celeste Stewart
Are they showing up under your "My Sales" list or are you just receiving emails? I thought I saw something earlier about an email glitch but I could be wrong about that.

Re: Weird sales

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:03 am
by nichewriter
Celeste Stewart wrote:Are they showing up under your "My Sales" list or are you just receiving emails? I thought I saw something earlier about an email glitch but I could be wrong about that.
Hi, Celeste.

Today's sale is still showing in "My Sales" list (the top one) and it's also showing in a later page (May 2009) sale. I've been credited for the second sale. I got an email notification also for that (and I have the notification from 1 year ago in my archives).

***Edited to add: I checked the "Recently Sold" list and it's showing there right now.

Yesterday's was briefly in the "My Sales" list but it's now showing once for the correct sale (December 2). I never got an email notification for yesterday's. My account was also credited for the second sale, but it was removed a couple of hours later.

I've sent CC an email about today's duplicate sale and I hope they'd take out the amount out of my account and let the buyer know he's bought it before.

Re: Weird sales

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:06 pm
by Celeste Stewart
THat is odd indeed.

Re: Weird sales

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:32 am
by aprilk10
I got an email a couple of hours ago that an article sold, but it is not in my sold list and my account has not been credited. I sent support a message. Anybody know what is going on?

Re: Weird sales

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:35 pm
by wordsmith
I had the same thing. Five articles sold today for usage and I was going to fill in the 'Eureka' moment thread, but when I checked back, all the sales had disappeared. I got in touch with Support and apparently it looked like the buyer was using a stolen credit card, so they 'undid' the order.

If I had stolen a credit card, (which I wouldn't of course), I can think of better things to buy than articles for use rights...