Multi-Part Articles

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed

Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:56 am

Multi-Part Articles

Post by MichaelOBryan »

It's my understanding that multi-part articles are not permitted. I'm not exactly sure why.

I have a private request from a customer who needs two articles for a website and a two-part series would be a perfect solution. Any ideas of a way to present this or is it just verboten?
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Multi-Part Articles

Post by Celeste Stewart »

For private requests, the rules aren't nearly as rigid as they are for public requests.

CC doesn't generally allow articles that are part of a series because what if a customer came along and purchased part one for full rights, but not parts two and three? That would leave parts two and three as orphans. THey wouldn't make sense without part one. And part one would likely seem incomplete to the original purchaser. For that reason, each article should stand completely on its own. They may work well together, but they shouldn't rely on each other.

That's for general requests. For private requests, if the customer wants a two or three part series, then CC won't have a problem with that particular rule. The same goes for other deviations from the guidelines such as links or first person voice. Just make sure to put a note in the short summary explaining any exception so the editors are aware of it.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:56 am

Re: Multi-Part Articles

Post by MichaelOBryan »

You're awesome Celeste. Thanks!