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Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:44 pm
by paulasheri
Am I alone or is anyone else having articles sitting, waiting for review for extended periods of time? I am beyond frustrated. I had 2 articles written for requested content last Tuesday, the request expired Sunday, and my articles are STILL waiting for review. Anyone else having this problem? :?:

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:28 am
by moonlightvirgo
I'm wondering also...maybe they're backlogged. My first two got such a quick response but these last ones have been waiting awhile. Lots of active writers, right?

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 6:51 pm
by paulasheri
They are still sitting. I don't think they plan to look at them ever. It's been since the 26th of April. The job has long expired. I'm frustrated beyond tears. I may be done with cc.

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 6:14 am
by jadedragon
If you are a new writer her sometimes the editors take more time to review your work. Don't give up, they will get to you.

Compare to writing for print where you need to wait weeks and months to hear back, CC is lighting fast. In the mean time work up your next article ready to submit.

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 6:40 am
by moonlightvirgo
I agree with jadedragon, I've waited a loooonnnnggg time for responses from publishers. Two of mine here at CC are still waiting and one later one just got a response. Maybe they also respond more quickly to ones that there are more requests for.

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:23 pm
by paulasheri
My first several articles were reviewed within 2 days. One was reviewed and sold within a couple of hours. The two that are still sitting were originally reviewed within a day of submission, but both needed corrections. I resubmitted them the same day and they are still sitting. Now 9 days.

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:50 pm
by JStone
The "latest content added" page hasn't changed for days, so I don't know if there is any reviewing being done at the moment. Surely that doesn't look good to customers. If the reviewing workload is too heavy, I don't understand why CC don't just employ more editors. Surely more editors = faster turnaround on content = happier writers + more content being written = more sales = more income for CC = more money for CC to spend on editors :?

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:28 am
by buckeyes09
I'm with you guys - it's starting to get very, very annoying. Especially since I have resubmitted articles that have not been re-reviewed a week after they first reviewed them, a week after originally submitted them.

I would gladly take a 60% cut if that means I don't have to wait over a week for each review. It is in their economic interest to review as many as possible.

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 9:14 pm
by happywriter
Same here.

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:54 pm
by JStone
CC just reviewed my whole backlog of articles from the last week (about 15 of them) in the space of an was rejected so I made some corrections and resubmitted, and they re-reviewed that within 30 minutes. Very strange...they seem to disappear for a while and then come back and suddenly do a whole load of reviewing overnight!

I agree with buckeyes....I would be happy for CC to take a bigger cut of 40% if it meant we could have a faster turnaround on getting articles reviewed.

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 6:26 am
by buckeyes09
Good for getting your articles reviewed, although I would rather have them reviewed first-in, first-out instead of waiting for a week. Especially with resubmissions.

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 7:58 am
by J. A. Young
Uh, 35% percent is still preferable to me. No rate hikes please :)

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 10:42 am
by CRDonovan
A suggestion for the writers side of things: submit carefully, one at a time. If you are submitting rafts of articles, getting some sent back, then quickly redoing and resubmitting those... this does not contribute to the quick processing of work. It'd be nice if the editors only had to review each article one time.

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:31 pm
by buckeyes09
J. A. Young wrote:Uh, 35% percent is still preferable to me. No rate hikes please :)
Well, the rate hike would be contingent upon reviewing within the allotted timeframe, or it would go back to 35%. Yes, I'm making up my own rules as I go along. 8)
CRDonovan wrote:A suggestion for the writers side of things: submit carefully, one at a time. If you are submitting rafts of articles, getting some sent back, then quickly redoing and resubmitting those... this does not contribute to the quick processing of work. It'd be nice if the editors only had to review each article one time.
Very good advice. Who knows what the acceptance rate is. I read Ezine was an atrocious 40-some percent before the Google slap. No doubt it's in our interest to proofread well. However, I still want faster review times. :lol:

Re: Did all the editors go on vacation?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 2:57 am
by JStone
CRDonovan wrote:A suggestion for the writers side of things: submit carefully, one at a time. If you are submitting rafts of articles, getting some sent back, then quickly redoing and resubmitting those... this does not contribute to the quick processing of work. It'd be nice if the editors only had to review each article one time.
Articles can only be submitted one at a time. I agree that everyone should be proofreading carefully before submitting, but unfortunately most of us will miss the odd punctuation or grammar mistake occasionally. I'm not sure that writers can be blamed for lengthy turnaround times on article reviews.