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Request Authors' Feedback on Article Categories

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:56 pm
by FondRegards
Hi Everyone

It’s sometimes difficult when submitting an article to choose a single category. Often, the subject matter overlaps several categories. I would love to hear how any of you decide where to put your submissions.

And I’m wondering about the blog category. Would anyone like to share your opinion on what constitutes a blog submission versus a straight article? I’m assuming tone plays an important role and that length probably does too, right?

Also, how do you feel about starting a sentence with “and”?

Fond Regards

Re: Request Authors' Feedback on Article Categories

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:17 am
by jellygator
I've had articles rejected for starting sentences with the word "But" here, so I'd avoid "And" as well, personally. I'm new, so I can't comment on your other questions.

Re: Request Authors' Feedback on Article Categories

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:34 am
by FondRegards
Thanks for the heads up on "but". Using and or but to open a sentence is convenient. But it's something I need to work on. And it can be a challenge. :P