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Getting Your First Submitted Article Accepted

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 11:09 am
by SLPerini
Hi authors and would-be authors,

From someone who has been around the forums for a few weeks now, I've really taken my time as far as learning the specific process of submitting articles to the editors and later to be sold. If you have seen any posts from me, you might've noticed that I'm not someone who has much experience or a very consistent grasp of grammar and punctuation rules. I submitted my first article this morning, after proofreading the same article at least five times over the course of several days, fully expecting to be sent back for errors, I submitted otherwise and the result was extremely positive. Yes, it was accepted. This is one situation where the old saying: I did it, you can too--truly applies.

Some tips, all of these have been written before in the forums, but are true:

- Read and study the stickied threads in the forum (especially Self-Editing for C-C Success, by Ed)
- Learn and accept C-C's specific guidelines
- Proofread to the extreme, you won't make a much money doing this, but the momentum you get from having a superb article acceptance rate will ultimately get you farther than trying to resubmit rejected articles.

Re: Getting Your First Submitted Article Accepted

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:25 pm
by marshac1974
Congrats to you!! I submitted my first yesterday but haven't heard anything. It must have something to do with the amount of submissions for the topic we choose to write about.
Well, good luck to you and cross your fingers for me! :D

Re: Getting Your First Submitted Article Accepted

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:24 am
by lobobrandon
I just submitted my first article and it's one about a public request. I hope it gets accepted and even better accepted by the client :D